SoDa statistics

Soda statistics

Number of automatic requests to the satellite-derived solar radiation database HelioClim-3 Archives
(Feb. 2004 up to d-1)

These numbers represent the total of requests received via our two synchronized servers (sodabdd3 => MINES ParisTech and => Vaisala), and for both with and without the option "+Meteo Data".

The particularity is that the time series can be up to 15 years long.

In 2019, we received more than 14.8 Millions of requests, which corresponds to more than 40 000 req. per day.

Number of automatic requests to HelioClim-3 Real-Time and Forecasts
(current day and d+1)

Idem than above: sum of accesses received on both servers, with and without "+Meteo Data" option.

Time series retrieved via the Real-Time and Forecasts HelioClim-3 services cover a veru short period of time that cannot exceed 2 days.

In 2019, we received 96 Millions of requests, which corresponds to more than 263 000 req. every day.

Number of unique visitors on SoDa since 2002

SoDa welcomes more than 79 000 visitors in 2019, i.e. more than 215 different visitors per day.

Total number of visits on SoDa since 2002

SoDa received more than 148 000 visits in 2019, i.e. more than 400 visits per day.