Spectral PAR from HelioClim-3 demo

Spectral PAR from HelioClim-3


This service provides "Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR)" values computed from the satellite-derived solar radiation database HelioClim-3 version 5 over a horizontal plane. The geographical coverage corresponds to the Meteosat satellite field of view, i.e. covers Europe, Africa, Atlantic Ocean, Middle East. Spatial resolution is 3 km at Nadir and is increasing as soon as we get away from this point (see illustration on the right hand side).

This PAR service provides time series of PAR (400-700 nm) in all weather conditions, in cloud-free conditions, and at the top of the atmosphere. Data are provided in µmol.m-2.s-1.

The demo interactive map is restricted to 2004 to 2006 data. A subscription is mandatory to access the whole database. Please contact us if you need more information.


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