APOLLO cloud statistics
APOLLO Cloud product statistics
This Web service, granted by ESA and provided by both DLR and TRANSVALOR, provides reports in pdf format with the APOLLO cloud physical parameters statistics on a limited number of sites, as a further help in the characterization of a solar site.
The August 2015 description of the product and statistics has been improved and enriched with examples and feedback from our user's trials. It describes also the two products which are available "on demand" from Transvalor.
The document is available at: Product description.
Click on any red/blue icon to get the APOLLO cloud product statistics at the location as a .pdf file.
In Aug. 2015 this demonstrator was tested by users. An enhanced new version of the statistics report is now available based on the feedback obtained with the users analysis of the statistics results on their sites of interest. Some of these sites statistics are available for download by clicking on the gold icons.
Please contact us at support-sales@soda-is.com for further inquiries.