HelioClim-3 Real Time and Forecast Demo

HelioClim-3 solar radiation for today


To benchmark real-time and forecast solar irradiation

HelioClim-3 database

HelioClim-3 is a satellite-derived solar radiation database exploiting Heliosat-2 method to estimate a "cloud index", based on the analysis of the Meteosat Second Generation satellite images in the visible band.

This demo web service provides time series of all radiation components over horizontal, fix-tilted and normal planes at a time step of 1 day.

HelioClim-3 is updated in real time, and time series are completed until the end of the day using a "persistence model". At least one slot after sunrise must be available to trigger the computation.

Meteorological database

Retrieve HC3 time series together with meteorological data in a single CSV file. Source of the Meteo Data: GFS (NCEP) for today and tomorrow. Just set to "True" the "Add meteo data" input parameter.

Web service usage



Automatic access (API)

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Helioclim 3 Forecast Demo

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