On-Going |
July 8th, 2021 was the kick-off of the PAREO European project, standing for Photosynthetically Active Radiation and Earth Observation, for the distribution of Photosynthetically Active Radiation data for agriculture, horticulture, viticulture, and monitoring of microorganisms and algae blooms.
The Finnish Meteorological Institute, the O.I.E. Research Center from MinesParisTech, Transvalor, and Weatherquest are very pleased to take part in this project. This action has been funded by the project "Copernicus / FPCUP" of the European Union" and fits into the context of "Connect by CNES".
Many actions will be carried out within the framework of this project to derive several downstream services providing Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR) data.
The purpose is to go beyond the delivery of the most adequate innovative services, but also to generate other opportunities for businesses by stimulating SMEs and start-ups in providing sustainable value-added services for their own panel of users, in Europe as well as outside Europe.
Generalities about Copernicus, CAMS, and C3S in which the SoDa team is involved.
SoDa provides and maintains an access to the spectrally integrated solar radiation resources of Copernicus Program:
SoDa pays attention to climate change:
This project is about extending geographical and temporal coverage of the satellite-derived solar-radiation HelioClim-3 database. |
Achieved |
Solar Med Atlas, a solar atlas at 1 km around the Mediterranean sea, from Mauritania to Turkey. |
Solar Atlas PACA, a 250 m solar atlas of the Provence Alpes Côtes d'Azur region. |
European projects on Solar, Wind, Biomass, and Daylighting Dates: 2011 - 2013 |