Maps for free


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Europe, Africa, Middle-East and Brasil

Download for free CAMS Radiation Volume over MSG field of view (2004-2023):

              CAMS Radiation Volume over MSG field of view 

-April 2021

Algeria QGIS

Oct. 2015

Egypt QGIS

Oct. 2015
France (+Corsica)

ARMINES / MINES ParisTech / Transvalor - - Jan. 2015
Jan. 2017

Dec. 2015

Mauritania QGIS

Oct. 2015
"Middle East": Jordan, Israel, Lebanon, and Palestine National Authority

Dec. 2015


Yearly average of daily sums of global horizontal irradiation in kWh/m², averaged on the period (1985-2004). From satellite imagery, HelioClim-1 database. Download the jpeg monthly averages maps for March, June, September, and December.copyright European Commission - Mines ParisTech / Armines 2005.
Moldova (Coming soon)

Maps to print:

ARMINES / MINES ParisTech / Transvalor - - Jan. 2016
Jan. 2016

Morocco QGIS

Oct. 2015
NamibiaARMINES / MINES ParisTech / Transvalor - - Jan. 2015
  • Shapefile of borders
  • Localization of the Meteosat pixels
  • raster mask: [min_lon, min_lat, max_lon, max_lat, nb_lon, nb_lat]=[16,-36,34,-21,2160,1800]
Jan. 2015

Click on the image to magnify (jpeg)
Yearly average of daily sums of global horizontal irradiation in kWh/m², HelioClim-1 . PVGIS data, averaged over 1985-2004. From satellite imagery
PVGIS copyright European Commission 2002-2006 and HelioClim-1 copyright Mines ParisTech / Armines 2001-2006.-Nov. 2016
ARMINES / MINES ParisTech / Transvalor - - Jan. 2015
  • Shapefile of borders
  • Localization of the Meteosat pixels
  • raster mask: [min_lon, min_lat, max_lon, max_lat, nb_lon, nb_lat]=[]
Jan. 2015

Dec. 2015

Tunisia QGIS

Oct. 2015

Turkey QGIS

Jan. 2016

Click on map to display the map in pdf format.
Yearly average map of irradiance in W/m², averaged over the period (1990-2004). Computed from satellite imagery.
ARMINES / MINES ParisTech - - 2006-Nov. 2016

Click on map to enlarge in png format.
Yearly mean of daily irradiation in UV (280 - 400 nm) on horizontal plane in J/cm², averaged over the period (1990-2004), expressed in J/cm². Computed from satellite imagery.
ARMINES / MINES ParisTech - - 2006-Nov. 2016

Click on the image to maximise (png)
Photovoltaic solar electricity potential in the Mediterranean basin, Africa, and Southwest Asia. Equator-oriented photovoltaic modules that are optimally-inclined to maximise yearly electricity yields. From satellite imagery.
PVGIS copyright European Commission 2001-2008 and HelioClim-1 copyright Mines ParisTech / Armines 2001-2008.-Nov. 2016

More information

Different Qgis projects were generated to fulfill the requirements of the SolarMedAtlas project. Please find below the description of the layers available in each Qgis projects.


  • Algeria_rivers
  • Algeria_electric_lines_diva (not very reliable)
  • Algeria_electric_lines_osm (reliable)
  • Algeria_electric_lines_Transvalor (reliable)
  • Algeria_substations (Osm completed by Transvalor)
  • Algeria_cities
  • Algeria_lakes
  • Algeria_borders
  • Algeria_BNI: yearly averaged HelioClim-3 version 5 Direct Normal Irradiation map at 1km, taking into account the shadowing effect of the far horizon (SRTM). Projection: WGS84. coordinates of the upper left corner (-8.68°, 37.09°), spatial step: 0.0083° corresponding to approx. 1km, number of longitudes: 2479, number of latitudes: 2175. Image tiff in uint16, missing value: 65535
  • Algeria_GHI: idem Global Horizontal Irradiation
  • Algeria_SRTM: same bounding box as the radiation raster layers
  • Algeria_globcover: land description


  • Egypt_rivers
  • Egypt_electric_lines (credits: Osm, Diva and Transvalor)
  • Egypt_substations (Osm completed by Transvalor)
  • Egypt_cities
  • Egypt_lakes
  • Egypt_borders
  • Egypt_BNI_horizon1: yearly averaged HelioClim-3 version 5 Direct Normal Irradiation map at 1km, taking into account the shadowing effect of the far horizon (SRTM). Projection: WGS84. coordinates of the upper left corner (-24.69°, 31.66°), spatial step: 0.0083° corresponding to approx. 1km, number of longitudes: 1466, number of latitudes: 1160. Image tiff in uint16, missing value: 65535.
  • Egypt_GHI_horizon1: idem Global Horizontal Irradiation
  • Egypt_SRTM: same bounding box as the radiation raster layers
  • Egypt_globcover: land description


  • Shapefile of borders
  • Localization of the centers of the Meteosat pixels in France
  • KMZ file with the locations of the Meteofrance stations measuring the Global Radiation. Download this information also in CSV file.


  • Lybia_borders
  • Lybia_towns
  • Lybia_substations_Osm_completedby_Transvalor
  • Lybia_lakes
  • Lybia_rivers
  • Lybia_electric_lines_Diva (corrected by Transvalor, reliable)
  • Lybia_electric_lines_Osm (reliable)
  • Lybia_electric_lines_Transvalor (reliable)
  • Lybia_BNI: yearly averaged HelioClim-3 version 5 Direct Normal Irradiation map at 1km, taking into account the shadowing effect of the far horizon (SRTM). Projection: WGS84. Coordinates of the upper left corner (25.66°, 42.10°), spatial step: 0.0083° corresponding to approx. 1km, number of longitudes: 2298, number of latitudes: 754. Image tiff in uint16, missing value: 65535.
  • Lybia_GHI: idem
  • Lybia_SRTM: same bounding box as the radiation raster layers
  • Lybia_Globcover: land description
  • Lybia_slope (computed from SRTM)


  • Mauritania_rivers (No lakes in this country)
  • Mauritania_electric_lines_Osm (NB: the layer of electric lines from Diva was not relevant on this country)
  • Mauritania_substations
  • Mauritania_cities
  • Mauritania_borders
  • Mauritania_BNI_horizon1: yearly averaged HelioClim-3 version 5 Direct Normal Irradiation map at 1km, taking into account the shadowing effect of the far horizon (SRTM). Projection: WGS84. coordinates of the upper left corner (-17.08°, 27.29°), spatial step: 0.0083° corresponding to approx. 1km, number of longitudes: 1471, number of latitudes: 1506. Image tiff in uint16, missing value: 65535.
  • Mauritania_GHI_horizon1: idem Global Horizontal Irradiation
  • Mauritania_SRTM: same bounding box as the radiation raster layers
  • Mauritania_globcover: land description

Middle East: Jordan, Israel, Lebanon, and Palestine National Authority

  • MiddleEast_borders
  • MiddleEast_cities
  • MiddleEast_substations
  • MiddleEast_lakes
  • MiddleEast_rivers
  • MiddleEast_electric_lines_diva (not reliable)
  • MiddleEast_electric_lines_osm (reliable)
  • MiddleEast_BNI: yearly averaged HelioClim-3 version 5 Direct Normal Irradiation map at 1km, taking into account the shadowing effect of the far horizon (SRTM). Projection: WGS84. Coordinates of the upper left corner (34.20°, 34.69), spatial step: 0.0083° corresponding to approx. 1km, number of longitudes: 611, number of latitudes: 660. Image tiff in uint16, missing value: 0.
  • MiddleEast_GHI: idem
  • MiddleEast_SRTM: same bounding box as the radiation raster layers
  • MiddleEast_Globcover


  • Moldova_borders
  • Romania_borders
  • Ukraine_borders
  • Moldova_cities
  • Moldova_horizon1_HC3v5_GHI_YearAv: yearly map of Global Horizontal Irradiation, averaged over the year Feb. 2004 to Dec. 2014. Spatial resolution 1 km, taking into account the shadowing effect of the far horizon. Projection: WGS84. Coordinates of the upper left corner (26.62°, 48.49°), spatial step: 0.0083° corresponding to approx. 1km, number of longitudes (columns): 425, number of latitudes (lines): 364. Image tiff format Uint16, missing value: 0.


  • MOROCCO_electric_lines (credits: osm and Transvalor)
  • MOROCCO_substations (completed by Transvalor)
  • MOROCCO_cities
  • MOROCCO_lakes
  • MOROCCO_borders
  • MOROCCO_BNI_horizon1: yearly average HelioClim-3 version 5 Direct Normal Irradiation map at 1km, taking into account the shadowing effect of the far horizon (SRTM). Projection: WGS84. Coordinates of the upper left corner (-17.11°, 35.92°), spatial step: 0.0083° corresponding to approx. 1km, number of longitudes: 1933, number of latitudes: 1819. Image tiff in uint16, missing value: 65535.
  • MOROCCO_GHI_horizon1: idem Global Horizontal Irradiation
  • MOROCCO_SRTM: same bounding box as the radiation raster layers
  • MOROCCO_globcover: land description


  • Syria_borders
  • Syria_substations (completed by Transvalor)
  • Syria_lakes
  • Syria_rivers
  • Syria_electric_lines_osm (reliable)
  • Syria_electric_lines_diva (not reliable)
  • Syria_BNI: yearly averaged HelioClim-3 version 5 Direct Normal Irradiation map at 1km, taking into account the shadowing effect of the far horizon (SRTM). Projection: WGS84. Coordinates of the upper left corner (35.72°, 37.32°), spatial step: 0.0083° corresponding to approx. 1km, number of longitudes: 799, number of latitudes: 602. Image tiff in uint16, missing value: 0.
  • Syria_GHI: idem
  • Syria_SRTM: same bounding box as the radiation raster layers
  • Syria_Globcover: land description


  • Tunisia_borders
  • Tunisia_substations (completed by Transvalor)
  • Tunisia_lakes
  • Tunisia_rivers
  • Tunisia_electric_lines_osm
  • Tunisia_electric_lines_Transvalor
  • Tunisia_BNI: yearly averaged HelioClim-3 version 5 Direct Normal Irradiation map at 1km, taking into account the shadowing effect of the far horizon (SRTM). Projection: WGS84. Coordinates of the upper left corner (7.47°, 37.35°), spatial step: 0.0083° corresponding to approx. 1km, number of longitudes: 490, number of latitudes: 854. Image tiff in uint16, missing value: 65535.
  • Tunisia_GHI: idem
  • Tunisia_SRTM: same bounding box as the radiation raster layers
  • Tunisia_Globcover: land description

NB: both electric lines layers have been checked and are relevant. The one obtained from diva was not reliable enough, so we decided not to provide this layer.


  • Turkey_borders
  • Turkey_cities
  • Turkey_substations (completed by Transvalor)
  • Turkey_lakes
  • Turkey_rivers
  • Turkey_electric_lines_diva (not reliable)
  • Turkey_electric_lines_osm (reliable)
  • Turkey_electric_lines_Transvalor (reliable)
  • Turkey_BNI: yearly averaged HelioClim-3 version 5 Direct Normal Irradiation map at 1km, taking into account the shadowing effect of the far horizon (SRTM). Projection: WGS84. Coordinates of the upper left corner (25.66°, 42.10°), spatial step: 0.0083° corresponding to approx. 1km, number of longitudes: 2298, number of latitudes: 754. Image tiff in uint16, missing value: 65535.
  • Turkey_GHI: idem
  • Turkey_SRTM: same bounding box as the radiation raster layers
  • Turkey_Globcover: land description

Europe maps AGATE

Europe maps "AGATE" of CAMS radiation data and CAMS McClear

More info on AGATE data - Access to JADE volume (Africa)


Radiation Component DOWNLOADS


Global Horizontal Irradiation


Download zip-compressed yearly and monthly averaged GHI maps

© ARMINES / MINES ParisTech / TRANSVALOR /  ECMWF - COPERNICUS Atmosphere Monitoring Service – Monthly and yearly average Global Horizontal Irradiation maps from CAMS Radiation Service over Europe – "AGATE" volume


Diffuse Horizontal Irradiation

Download zip-compressed yearly and monthly averaged DHI maps

© ARMINES / MINES ParisTech / TRANSVALOR /  ECMWF - COPERNICUS Atmosphere Monitoring Service – Monthly and yearly average Global Horizontal Irradiation maps from CAMS Radiation Service over Europe – "AGATE" volume


Global Horizontal Irradiation in cloud-free conditions

Download zip-compressed yearly and monthly averaged Gc maps

© ARMINES / MINES ParisTech / TRANSVALOR /  ECMWF - COPERNICUS Atmosphere Monitoring Service – Monthly and yearly average Global Horizontal Irradiation maps in cloud-free conditions from CAMS McClear over Europe – "AGATE" volume


Direct Normal Irradiation

Download zip-compressed yearly and monthly averaged BNI maps

© ARMINES / MINES ParisTech / TRANSVALOR /  ECMWF - COPERNICUS Atmosphere Monitoring Service – Monthly and yearly average Direct Normal Irradiation maps from CAMS Radiation Service over Europe – "AGATE" volume



Africa maps JADE

Africa maps "JADE" of CAMS radiation data and CAMS McClear

More info on JADE data - Access to AGATE volume (Europe)

Radiation ComponentDOWNLOAD monthly and yearly maps


Global Horizontal Irradiation

Download zip-compressed yearly and monthly averaged GHI maps

© ARMINES / MINES ParisTech / Vaisala /  ECMWF - COPERNICUS Atmosphere Monitoring Service – Monthly and yearly average Global Horizontal Irradiation maps from CAMS Radiation Service over Africa – "JADE" volume


Diffuse Horizontal Irradiation

Download zip-compressed yearly and monthly averaged DHI maps

© ARMINES / MINES ParisTech / Vaisala /  ECMWF - COPERNICUS Atmosphere Monitoring Service – Monthly and yearly average Global Horizontal Irradiation maps from CAMS Radiation Service over Africa – "JADE" volume


Global Horizontal Irradiation in cloud-free conditions

Download zip-compressed yearly and monthly averaged Gc maps

© ARMINES / MINES ParisTech / Vaisala /  ECMWF - COPERNICUS Atmosphere Monitoring Service – Monthly and yearly average Global Horizontal Irradiation maps in cloud-free conditions from CAMS McClear over Africa – "JADE" volume


Direct Normal Irradiation

Download zip-compressed yearly and monthly averaged BNI maps

© ARMINES / MINES ParisTech / Vaisala /  ECMWF - COPERNICUS Atmosphere Monitoring Service – Monthly and yearly average Direct Normal Irradiation maps from CAMS Radiation Service over Africa – "JADE" volume