HelioClim-3 Monitoring automatic access

HelioClim-3 Monitoring automatic access


HelioClim-3 is a satellite-derived solar radiation database. It exploits the Heliosat-2 method to estimates a "cloud index", based on the analysis of the 15 minute Meteosat Second Generation (MSG) satellite images in the visible band.

Helioclim-3 Monitoring service is in charge of monitoring the last month.

This service proposes two options :

  • "Helioclim-3 Monitoring Realtime"
  • and "Helioclim-3 Monitoring Historical".

Automatic access is a charged service. Please contact us for a quotation and receive your SoDa credentials.

HelioClim-3 Monitoring

option Realtime :

HelioClim-3 Monitoring Realtime

option Historical :

HelioClim-3 Monitoring Historical

DescriptionThe "HC3 Monitoring" service is in charge of monitoring the last month (the last 30 days)

The "HC3 Monitoring Realtime" service is an option of "HC3 Monitoring"

"HC3 Monitoring Realtime" service is in charge of monitoring the current day

The "HC3 Monitoring Historical" service is an option of "HC3 Monitoring"

"HC3 Monitoring Historical" Service is in charge of fetching historical data up to "yesterday".

Date range"d-30" up to "d-1" today"2004-02-01" up to "d-1"
Requests1 request per day and per site48 requests per day per site1 request per year and per site
Service namehc3v5_monitoringhc3v5_monitoring_realtimehc3v5_monitoring_historical
Download examples

download unix "HC3 Monitoring" examples

download windows "HC3 Monitoring" examples

download unix "HC3 Monitoring Realtime" examples

download windows "HC3 Monitoring Realtime" examples

download unix "HC3 Monitoring Historical" examples

download windows "HC3 Monitoring Historical" examples

With METEO option

if you subscribed the METEO option, you can access the services:

  • hc3v5_meteo_monitoring
  • meteo_monitoring
if you subscribed the METEO option, you can access the services:
  •  hc3v5_meteo_monitoring_realtime (1 request per site every 6 hours)
  • meteo_monitoring
if you subscribed the METEO option, you can access the services:
  • hc3v5_meteo_monitoring_historical
  • meteo_historical
FAQError messages & FAQ

 Warning! It is strongly recommanded to avoid the launch of parallel requests, using the "&" at the end of each wget request line. This would endanger our system

Automatic access using WGET

WGET command example ("guest" user on Carpentras location 44.083, 5.059)

wget -O output.csv --header="soda-user: guest" --header="soda-passwd: guest" "https://api.soda-solardata.com/pub/hc3v5_meteo_monitoring.php?geopoint=44.083,5.059&elevation=-999&firstday=d-2&lastday=d-1&duration=15&time=UT&slope=10&azimuth=180&albedo=0.2&horizon=1&header=1&format=unified&meteo_info=*"

WGET command in details


wget -O output.csv ...
--header="soda-user: login" --header="soda-passwd: password" ...
&firstday=yyyy-mm-dd&lastday=yyyy-mm-dd ...
&duration=time_step&time=time_reference ...
&slope=tilt_of_panels&azimuth=az_of_panels&albedo=ground_albedo&horizon=boolean_horizon ...



authentication: login and password provided by the Commcercial SoDa team. Note that a free permanent automatic access is set up for the site of Carpentras, France (44.083, 5.059) with the login/password guest/guest


"hc3v5_monitoring" or "hc3v5_monitoring_realtime" or "hc3v5_monitoring_historical" (see above)

if meteo option is subscribed:

"hc3v5_meteo_monitoring" or "hc3v5_meteo_monitoring_realtime" or "hc3v5_meteo_monitoring_historical"

latitude and longitude

in degrees, with at least 3 digits after comma

altitude (optional)

in meters.

By default, the elevation is retrieved from Nasa SRTM database.


"firstday" and the "lastday" parameters of the request. It can be defined either by a numerical date YYYY-MM-DD or thanks to date shortcuts.

The available date shortcuts are : d, d-x, m, m-x, y, y-x 

  • "x" representing an integer value,
  • "d", "m", "y" stands (respectuvely) for day, month, year.

For instance "m-2" means "2 months ago".


"1", "5", "10", "15" (minutes), "h" (hourly), "d" (daily), "m" (monthly).


"UT" (universal time) or "TST" (True Solar Time)

tilt_of_panels (optional)

The tilt value can be:

  • from "0" (horizontal) to "90" (vertical),
  • or "-999" for sun tracking.

More details on plane orientations and on how to set the tiltazimuth parameters

Default is "0"

az_of_panels (optional)

The azimuth value can be:

  • from "0" (North), "90" (East), "180" (South) to "270" (West),
  • or "-999" for sun tracking.

More details on plane orientations and on how to set the tiltazimuth parameters

Default is "0"

ground_albedo (optional)

from "0.0" to "1.0". An usual inland value is "0.2"

More details on how to set the albedo parameter

Default is "0.2"

boolean_horizon (optional)

Takes into account "1" or not "0" the shadowing effect due to the far horizon.

Default value is "0" (horizon is no taken into account)

boolean_header (optional)

Print a header if "1" or not if "0".

Default value is "1" (output file contains a header) for all formats except "classic".

output_format (optional)

Possible values are standard formats "excel", "netcdf" and "json"; "unified" to get Unified csv format; "classic" for Classic csv format (deprecated).

Default format is "classic" for HC3 requests without meteo data. For HC3 requests with meteo data, the "classic" format is not supported and the default format is "unified".

calib_name (optional)

calibration name. Please refer to the page describing our calibration procedure or/and contact us to ask your questions and receive a quotation

Default is none.

meteo_parameters (optional)

This option is only active for services:

  • "hc3v5_meteo_monitoring"
  • "hc3v5_meteo_monitoring_realtime"
  • "hc3v5_meteo_monitoring_historical"

This option allows you to select one or several meteorological data among all: "meteo_info=temperature,relative_humidity,pressure,wind_speed,wind_dir,rain_fall,snow_fall,snow_depth".

The output format is not modified, even if some columns are not required. For the "non required columns" a "non-filled-value" (-999) is used.

Default is all meteorological parameters.

Automatic access using CURL

You can also automatically retrieve HC3 Monitoring time series using the CURL command. The advantage is to accelerate the requests by an approx. factor of 2. CURL outputs don't have any header. This is due to the fact that each station configuration (cf each line of the stations.txt file) can be different (tilted or not, date range, ...), so the "stations" header information (contained in header) may be differrent.

Curl command example ("guest" user on Carpentras location 44.083, 5.059)

curl -f -s -S -F stations=@stations.txt -o output.csv --header "soda-user: guest" --header "soda-passwd: guest" https://api.soda-solardata.com/pub/hc3v5_meteo_monitoring_historical.php

With the following stations.txt file format:

# Columns description :
# id: station name
# latitude and longitude: in degrees, with at least 3 digits after comma
# altitude: in meters. Use -999 to let SoDa get the elevation from Nasa SRTM database.
# time reference: "UT" (universal time) or "TST" (True Solar Time)
# duration: "1", "5", "10", "15" (minutes), "h" (hourly), "d" (daily), "m" (monthly)
# firstday and lastday: first and the last days of the request, expressed as yyyy-mm-dd
# slope of panel: from "0" (horizontal) to "90" (deg). Use -999 for sun tracking.
# azimuth of panel: from 0° (North), 90° (East), 180° (South), ... Use -999 for sun tracking.
# ground_albedo: from "0.0" to "1.0". A usual inland value is "0.2".
# horizon: "0" to ignore relief shadows (default), "1" or "SRTM" for an horizon computed from SRTM
# calibration: calibration name (default is none)
# format: output file format. Possible values are "classic" (default) or "unified". If "meteo" option is used, the only possible format is "unified".
#id                     lat    lon     elevation time   duration   firstday         lastday            slope   azimuth  albedo  horizon  calibration format
Carpentras1 44.083 5.059   -999           UT     15          2017-01-01   2017-01-05       0           0           0.2         1            ""        unified
Carpentras2 44.083 5.059   -999           UT     h              d-10            d-2                   30      180           0.2          1            ""        unified

CURL command in details

curl -f -s -S -F stations=@my_stations.txt -o output.csv --header "soda-user: login" --header "soda-passwd: password" https://api.soda-solardata.com/pub/service_name.php

  • login, password and service_name are described in the table above.
  • The station file "my_stations.txt" should be defined with the same format as the "stations.txt" file in the previous example. The columns descriptions are available in the table above.