HelioClim-3 Real Time and Forecast

HelioClim-3 solar radiation for today

To benchmark real-time and forecast solar irradiation

HelioClim-3 database

HelioClim-3 is a satellite-derived solar radiation database exploiting Heliosat-2 method to estimate a "cloud index", based on the analysis of the Meteosat Second Generation satellite images in the visible band.

This web service provides time series of all radiation components over horizontal, fix-tilted and normal planes at a time step ranging from 1 min to 1 day.

HelioClim-3 is updated in real time, and time series are completed until the end of the day using a "persistence model". At least one slot after sunrise must be available to trigger the computation.

Meteorological database

Retrieve HC3 time series together with meteorological data in a single CSV file. Source of the Meteo Data: GFS (NCEP) for today and tomorrow. Just set to "True" the "Add meteo data" input parameter.

Web service usage



Automatic access (API)

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Helioclim 3 Forecast

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