Solar Med Atlas


The "Solar Atlas for the Mediterranean" is a portal for global horizontal and direct normal irradiance data for the southern and eastern Mediterranean region. It is supported by the International Climate Initiative of the Germany Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety.
The project will bring free high resolution (1 km), long term coverage (20 years 1991-2010) data as well as yearly and monthly radiation maps for the whole target region covering the countries Syria, Jordan, Israel, Lebanon, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Palestine National Authority, Mauretania and Turkey. The consortium of the project is available at this link.

Link to SolarMedAtlas:

Spatial resolution: 1 km
Radiation databases: SOLEMI (DLR), and HelioClim3-version3 with MACC Clear (ARMINES/MINES ParisTech/TRANSVALOR).
Covered time period: 1991-2010
The maps have been validated using 4 ground station measurements.
