List of publiCations |
By themes
- Bibliography Dust
- Bibliography HelioClim-3 and Heliosat-2
- Bibliography Quality
- Bibliography HelioClim-1
- Bibliography Heliosat-4 / CAMS radiation products
- Bibliography for Heliosat-5
- Bibliography Spectral
- Bibliography Temporal variability
- Bibliography Validation Results
NB: several publications can be relevant for several themes. That is why same publication can be available in different sections.
(In alphabetic order and and reverse chronological order)
Keywords |
Abdel Wahab et al. 2009 | Abdel Wahab M., El-Metwally M., Hassan R., Lefèvre M., Oumbe A. and Wald L., 2009. "Assessing surface solar irradiance in Northern Africa desert climate and its long-term variations from Meteosat images", International Journal of Remote Sensing , 31(01) , 261 - 280 . doi: 10.108 0/01431160902882645 | Heliosat-2, HelioClim-1, altitude correction |
Content: Correction of the irradiation with altitude (SRTM).
Beyer et al. 1995 | Beyer H. G., Costanzo C., Reise C., 1995. "Multiresolution analysis of satellite-derived irradiance maps - an evaluation of a new tool for the spatial characterization of hourly irradiance fields". Solar Energy, 55, 1, 9-20. | Multiresolution analysis |
Blanc and Wald 2016 | Blanc P. and Wald L., 2016. "On the effective solar zenith and azimuth angles to use with measurements of hourly irradiation". Advances in Science and Research, 13, 1-6, 2016, doi:10.5194/asr-1-1-2016. | Solar zenith angle |
Blanc et al. 2014 | Blanc P.,B. Espinar, N. Geuder, C. Gueymard, R. Meyer, R. Pitz-Paal, B. Reinhardt, D. Renné, M. Sengupta, L. Wald, S. Wilbert, 2014. "Direct Normal Irradiance Related Definitions and Applications: The Circumsolar Issue", Solar Energy, 110, 561–577. doi:10.1016/j.solener.2014.10.001 | DNI, circumsolar |
Content: This article deals with the influence of circumsolar on the radiation components.
Blanc and Wald 2012 |
Blanc, P., and L. Wald, 2012. "The SG2 algorithm for a fast and accurate computation of the position of the sun for multi-decadal time period", Solar Energy, 88, 3072-3083, 2012, doi:10.1016/j.solener.2012.07.018. |
Solar Geometry 2 |
Blanc et al. 2011 | Blanc P., B. Gschwind, L. Ménard, and L. Wald, 2011. "Satellite-based estimation of surface solar irradiance", June 21st 2011, SPIE Newsroom. <DOI: 10.1117/2.1201105.003735> | Generalities on SoDa and HelioClim |
Boilley et al. 2016 |
Boilley A., C. Thomas, M. Marchand, E. Wey, P. Blanc Philippe, 2016. "The Solar Forecast Similarity Method: a new method to compute solar radiation forecasts for the next day". SHC 2015, Istanbul, Turkey, 2-4 December 2015. Energy Procedia, 91, 1018-1023, 2016. |
HC3v4 solar forecast similarity method |
Boilley and Wald 2015 |
Boilley A., Wald L., 2015. "Comparison between meteorological re-analyses from ERA-Interim and MERRA and measurements of daily solar irradiation at surface". Renewable Energy, 75, 135-143, doi: 10.1016/j.renene.2014.09.042. |
Re-analyses |
Bois et al. 2007 | Bois B., P. Pieri, C. Van Leeuven, L. Wald, F. Huard, J.P. Gaudillère, and E. Saur, 2007. "Using remotely sensed solar radiation data for reference evapotranspiration estimation at a daily time step", Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, Elsevier Masson, 2007, 148 (4), pp.619-630. 〈10.1016/j.agrformet.2007.11.005〉 | HelioClim-1 Use case |
Content: exploits HelioClim-1, despite large RMSE, in evapotranspiration processes and the caracterization of climates
Collares-Pereira and Rabl 1979 | Collares-Pereira M. and A. Rabl, 1979. "The average distribution of solar radiation-correlations between diffuse and hemispherical and between daily and hourly insolation values" Solar Energy, Vol. 22, Issue 2, pp. 155-164. | from daily GHI into intra-day GHI |
Diabaté et al. 1989 | Diabaté L., Michaud-Regas N., Wald L., 1989. "Mapping the ground albedo of Western Africa and its time evolution during 1984 using Meteosat visible data". Remote Sensing of Environment, 27, 3, 211-222, 1989. | Ground reflectance / albedo |
Dogniaux et al. 1984 | Dogniaux R., Grueter J. W., Kasten F., Page J. K., Perrin de Brichambaut C., Treble F. C., Palz W., 1984. "Solar Meteorology (Units and Symbols)" International Journal of Solar Energy, 2, 249-255. | Units and solar radiation terminology |
Erbs, Klein and Duffie 1982 | Erbs D.G., S.A. Klein and J.A. Duffie, 1982. "Estimation of the Diffuse Radiation Fraction for Hourly, Daily and Monthly-average Global Radiation", Solar Energy, Vol. 28, N°4, pp. 293-302. | from GHI to DHI |
Erbs 1980 | Erbs, D.G., 1980. "Methods For Estimating the Diffuse Fraction of Hourly, Daily, and Monthly-Average Global Solar Radiation", Masters Thesis, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1980. | from GHI to DHI |
Gelaro et al. 2017 | , 2017. "The Modern-Era Retrospective Analysis for Research and Applications, Version 2 (MERRA-2)" J. Climate, 2017, | MERRA-2 |
Gschwind et al. 2007 | Gschwind B., Ménard L., Ranchin T., Wald L., and Stackhouse P., 2006. "A proposal for a thesaurus for web services in solar radiation".O. Hryniewiez, J. Studzinski and M. Romaniuk. EnviroInfo 2007, Varsovie, Poland. Shaker Verlag, vol. 1, pp.135-142. | SoDa |
Gschwind et al. 2006 | Gschwind B., Ménard L., Albuisson M., Wald L. 2006. "Converting a successful research project into a sustainable service: the case of the SoDa Web service" Environmental Modelling and Software, Elsevier, vol. 21, pp.1555-1561. doi:10.1016/j.envsoft.2006.05.002 | SoDa website |
Gschwind et al. 2005 | Gschwind B., Ménard L., Albuisson M., Wald L. 2005. "Three years of experience with the SoDa Web service delivering solar radiation information: lessons learned and perspectives". 19th International Conference Informatics for environmental protection EnviroInfo, Sept. 2005, Brno, Czech Republic. pp.95-102. | SoDa |
Gueymard 2008 | Gueymard C., 2008. "From global horizontal to global tilted irradiance", Solar 2008 Conf., San Diego, CA, American Solar Energy Society | Compute GTI from GHI |
Holben et al. 2001 | Holben B.N., D.Tanré, A.Smirnov, T.F.Eck, I.Slutsker, N. Abuhassan, W.W. Newcomb, J.S. Schafer, B Chatenet, F. Lavenu, Y.J.Kaufman, J. Vande Castle, A.Setzer, B.Markham, D. Clark, R. Frouin, R. Halthore, A.Karneli, N. T. O'Neill, C. Pietras, R.T. Pinker, K. Voss, G. Zibordi, 2001. "An emerging ground-based aerosol climatology. Aerosol optical depth from AERONET", Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 106, Issue D11, 12067–12097. | Aerosol optical properties |
Huld et al. 2012 | Huld T., R. Müller and A. Gambardella, 2012. "A new solar radiation database for estimating PV performance in Europe and Africa", Solar Energy vol. 86, pp.: 1803-1815 | PVGIS |
Jones et al. 2017 | Jones P. D., C. Harpham, A. Troccoli, B. Gschwind, T. Ranchin, L. Wald, C.M. Goodess, and S. Dorling, 2017. "Using ERA-Interim Reanalysis output for creating datasets of energy-relevant climate variables", Earth Syst. Sci. Data Discuss., doi:10.5194/essd-2016-67, in review. | ERA-Interim |
Kasten and Young 1989 | Kasten, F. and Young, A. T.: Revised optical air mass tables and approximation formula, Appl. Optics, 28, 4735–4738, 1989 | Air mass |
Content: Compute air mass necessary for instance to detect clear sky instants in the method proposed by Lefèvre et al. 2013 about McClear validation
König-Langlo 2015 | König-Langlo G., A. Driemel, B. Raffel, R. Sieger, 2015. "BSRN snapshot 2015-09, links to zip archives", doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.852720 | BSRN data |
König-Langlo 2014 | König-Langlo G., A. Bücker, F. Richter, R. Sieger, 2014. "BSRN snapshot 2014-06 in two ZIP archives (5.63 GB)", doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.833428 | BSRN data |
Lefèvre et al. 2007 | Lefèvre M., Wald L., Diabaté L., 2007. "Using reduced data sets ISCCP-B2 from the Meteosat satellites to assess surface solar irradiance". Solar Energy, 81, 240-253. doi:10.1016/j.solener.2006.03.008 |
Heliosat-2, HelioClim-1, Glitter |
Lefèvre et al. 2004 | Lefèvre M., Albuisson M., Ranchin T., Wald L., Remund J., 2004. "Fusing ground measurements and satellite-derived products for the construction of climatological maps in atmosphere optics". In Proceedings of the 23rd EARSeL Annual Symposium "Remote Sensing in Transition", 2-4 June 2003, Ghent, Belgium, Rudi Goossens editor, Milpress, Rotterdam, Netherlands, pp. 85-91. | Fusing measurements and satellite data |
Lefèvre et al. 2002 | Lefèvre M., Remund J., Albuisson M., Wald L., 2002. "Study of effective distances for interpolation schemes in meteorology". European Geophysical Society, 27th General Assembly, Geophysical Research Abstracts, vol. 4, April 2002, EGS02-A-03429. | Interpolation of data |
Lefèvre et al. 2000 | Lefèvre M., Bauer O., Iehle A., Wald L., 2000. "An automatic method for the calibration of time-series of Meteosat images". International Journal of Remote Sensing, 21, 5, 1025-1045. | Calibration of satellite data |
Long and Ackerman 2000 | Long, C. N. and Ackerman, T. P., 2000. "Identification of clear skies from broadband pyranometer measurements and calculation of down- welling shortwave cloud effects", J. Geophys. Res., 105, 15609, doi: 10.1029/2000JD900077. | Detection of clear sky instants |
Moussu et al. 1989 | Moussu G., Diabaté L., Obrecht D., Wald L., 1989. "A method for the mapping of the apparent ground brightness using visible images from geostationary satellites". International Journal of Remote Sensing, 10, 7, 1207-1225. | Ground reflectance / albedo |
Mueller et al. 2004 | Mueller R.W., Dagestad K.F., Ineichen P., Schroedter M., Cros S., Dumortier D., Kuhlemann R., Olseth J.A., Piernavieja G., Reise C., Wald L., Heinnemann D., 2004. Rethinking satellite based solar irradiance modelling - The SOLIS clear sky module. Remote Sensing of Environment, 91, 160-174. | Clear-sky model |
Muneer 1990 | Muneer T., 1990. "Solar radiation model for Europe." Building Serv. Eng. Res. Techno., Vol. 11, pp. 153-163. | Decomposition of GHI into DHI |
Content: anisotropic model for the decomposition on the Global Horizontal Irradiation component into Diffuse Horizontal Irradiation component. Also from DHI to Diffuse Irradiation over a tilted plane.
Oumbe et al. 2011 | Oumbe A., Blanc Ph., Gschwind B., Lefèvre M., Qu Z., Schroedter-Homscheidt M., Wald L., 2011. "Solar irradiance in clear atmosphere: study of parameterisations of change with altitude". Advances in Sciences and Research, 6, 199-203, doi: 10.5194/asr-6-199-2011. | Clear-sky and altitude correction |
Perez et al. 2011 | Perez R., S. Kivalov, J. Schlemmer, K. Hemker, and T. Hoff, 2011. "Parameterization of site-specific short-term irradiance variability", Solar Energy, Volume 85, Issue 7, July 2011, Pages 1343-1353, | Temporal variability |
Content: Interesting information concerning spatial and temporal variability
Perez et al. 1993 | Perez R., R. Seals, and J. Michalsky, 1993. "All-weather model for sky luminance distribution - Preliminary configuration and validation", Solar Energy, Vol. 50, N°3, pp.235-2345. 0038-092X/93 - $6.00 - Copyright 1993 Pergamon Press Ltd. | Decompo-sition models |
Content: anisotropic model for the decomposition on the GHI into DHI
Perez and Seals 1987 | Perez R., and R. Seals, 1987. "A new simplified version of the Perez diffuse irradiance model for tilted surfaces", Solar Energy, Vol. 39, N°3, pp. 221-231. 0038-092X/87 - $3.00 - Copyright 1987 Pergamon Journals Ltd. | DHI into DTI |
Content: Derive the Diffuse component over a tilted surface from the Diffuse component over the horizontal plane
Pfelfroth et al. 2018 | Pfelfroth U., A. Sanchez-Lorenzo, V. Manara, J. Trentmann, and R. Hollmann, 2018. "Trends and Variability of Surface Solar Radiation in Europe based on surface- and satellite-based data records", Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 123, 1735–1754. |
Qu et al. 2011 | Qu, Z., Blanc, Ph., Lefèvre, M., Wald, L., Oumbe, A., 2011. "Study of the MLB parameterisation for change in surface solar irradiance with sun zenith angle in clear sky". Advances in Sciences and Research, 6, 233-236, 2011, doi:10.5194/asr-6-233-2011. | Clear-sky |
Rigollier et al. 2002 | Rigollier C., Lefèvre M., Blanc Ph., Wald L., 2002. "The operational calibration of images taken in the visible channel of the Meteosat-series of satellites". Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 19, 9, 1285-1293. | Calibration of satellite data |
Rigollier et al. 2000 | Rigollier C, M. Albuisson, C. Delamare, D. Dumortier, M. Fontoynont, E. Gaboardi, S. Gallino, D. Heinnemann, M. Kleih, S. Kunz, et al., 2000. "Exploitation of distributed solar radiation databases through a smart network: the project SoDa", EuroSun 2000, Jun 2000, Copenhagen, Denmark. | SoDa |
Ruiz-Arias 2009 |
Ruiz-Arias J.A., 2009. "Modelization of the Terrain's morphology Influence on the Solar Radiation Field at the Earth's surface". Doctoral Thesis (PhD) eq. 4.34, University of Jaé, April 2009, 202 p. |
from GHI to DHI |
Scharmer et al. 2000 | Scharmer K., J.K. Page. L. Wald, M. Albuisson, G. Czeplak, B. Bourges, H. Lund, A. Joukoff, U.Terzenbach, H.G. Beyer, E.P. Borisenkov, 2000. "European Solar Radiation Atlas", 4th ed., Presses de l'Ecole des Mines de Paris: Paris, France, Volumes 1 and 2. | ESRA (clear-sky model and Linke) |
Sengupta et al. 2012 |
Sengupta M., P. Gotseff, D. Myers, T. Stoffel, 2012. "Performance Testing Using Silicon Devices–Analysis of Accuracy" presented at the 2012 IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference in Austin, Texas, 3-8 June 2012 |
Pyranometers versus cell devices |
Solar Radiation Atlas of Africa 1991 |
Solar Radiation Atlas of Africa, 1991. Edited by E. Raschke, R. Stuhlmann, W. Palz, T. C. Steemers. Published for the Commission of the European Communities by A. A. Balkema, Rotterdam, 155 p. |
Thomas et al. 2016 | Thomas C., Saboret L., Wey E., Blanc P., Wald L, 2016. "Validation of the new HelioClim-3 version 4 real-time and short-term forecast service using 14 BSRN stations". Advances in Science and Research, 13, 129-136, 2016, doi:10.5194/asr-13-129-2016 | HC3v4 real-time and short term forecast service |
Thomas et al. 2011 | Poster, workshop COST ES1002 WIRE (Weather Intelligence for Renewable Energies), March 22-24th 2011. | SoDa products |
Tournadre et al. 2018 | Tournadre B., B. Gschwind, C. Thomas, L. Saboret, P. Blanc, 2018. "Characterizing the confidence in a gap-free static atlas of monthly-averaged BRDF parameters derived from MODIS MCD43C1 v5", Poster at EGU General Assembly. | MODIS, ground reflectance, albedo |
Urraca et al. 2018 | Urraca R., T. Huld, A. Gracia-Amillo, F.J. Martinez-de-Pison, F. Kaspar, A. Sanz-Garcia, 2018. "Evaluation of global horizontal irradiance estimates from ERA5 and COSMO-REA6 reanalyses using ground and satellite-based data", Solar Energy 164 (2018), 339-354. DOI: 10.1016/j.solener.2018.02.059 | Comparison ERA-5 / in-situ meas. |
Content: This study examines the progress made by two new reanalyses in the estimation of surface irradiance: ERA5, the new global reanalysis from the ECMWF, and COSMO-REA6, the regional reanalysis from the DWD for Europe. Daily global horizontal irradiance data were evaluated with 41 BSRN stations worldwide, 294 stations in Europe, and two satellite-derived products (NSRDB and SARAH) [...].
We conclude that ERA5 and COSMO-REA6 have reduced the gap between reanalysis and satellite-based data, but further development is required in the prediction of clouds while the spatial grid of ERA5 (31 km) remains inadequate for places with high variability of surface irradiance (coasts and mountains). Satellite-based data should be still used when available [...].
Vernay et al. 2013 | Vernay C., Blanc P. and S. Pitaval, 2013. "Characterizing measurements campaigns for an innovative calibration approach of the global horizontal irradiation estimated by HelioClim-3", Renewable Energy, Vol., Sept. 2013, pp. 339–347. | Calibration efficiency |
Content: Calibration efficiency as a function of the duration and the beginning of the measurement campaign
Vernay et al. 2012 | Vernay C., Pitaval S. and P. Blanc, 2012. "Calibration of long-term global horizontal irradiation estimated by HelioClim-3 through short-term local measurement campaigns: extending of the results to European and African sites" World Renewable Energy Forum, Denver, United States (2012) | Calibration efficiency |
Vernay et al. 2011 | Christophe Vernay, Sébastien Pitaval, Philippe Blanc, 2013. "Review of satellite-based surface solar irradiation databases for the engineering, the financing and the operating of photovoltaic systems", ISES Solar World Congress, Cancun, Mexico. | Comparison of 16 radiation databases |
Wald 2007 | Wald L., 2007. "Solar radiation energy (fundamentals)". In Solar Energy Conversion and Photoenergy Systems, edited by Julian Blanco and Sixto Malato, in Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), Developed under the Auspices of the UNESCO, Eolss Publishers, Oxford ,UK, [] | Solar radiation energy fundamentals |
Wald et al. 2004 | Wald L., M. Albuisson, C. Best, C. Delamare, D. Dumortier, E. Gaboardi, A. Hammer, D. Heinnemann, R. Kift, S. Kunz, et al., 2004. "SoDa: a Web service on solar radiation", Eurosun 2004, Freiburg, Germany. PSE. GmbH, vol. 3, pp.921-927 | SoDa |
Wald et al. 2003 | Wald L., Ranchin T., Lefèvre M., Albuisson M., Remund J., 2003. "Increasing the spatial resolution of gridded data by fusion with other data sets". In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Information Fusion, Cairns, Australia, 8-11 July 2003, pp. 168-173. | Image fusion |
Wald et al. 2002 |
Wald L., Albuisson M., Best C., Delamare C., Dumortier D., Gaboardi E., Hammer A., Heinemann D., Kift R., Kunz S., Lefèvre M., Leroy S., Martinoli M., Ménard L., Page J., Prager T., Ratto C., Reise C., Remund J., Rimoczi-Paal A., Van der Goot E., Vanroy F., and Webb A., 2002. "SoDa: a project for the integration and exploitation of networked solar radiation databases". In: Environmental Communication in the Information Society, W. Pillmann, K. Tochtermann Eds, Part 2, pp. 713-720. Published by the International Society for Environmental Protection, Vienna, Austria. |
SoDa website |
Wald 1990 | Wald L., 1990. "Monitoring the decrease of Lake Chad from space". Geocarto International, 5, 3, 31-36, 1990. | Ground reflectance / albedo |
Wey et al. 2012 | Wey E., Thomas C., Blanc P., Espinar B., Mouadine M., Bouhamidi M.H., Belkabir Y, 2012. "A fusion method for creating sub-hourly DNI-based TMY from long-term satellite-based and short-term ground-based irradiation data". In Proceedings SolarPACES 2012, 11-14 September 2012, Marrakech, Morocco, USBKey Paper#22983 | TMY |
Bibliography Dust
(In alphabetic order and and reverse chronological order)
Ammar et al. 2014 |
K. Ammar • Mossad El-Metwally • Mansour Almazroui • M. M. Abdel Wahab, 2014. "A climatological analysis of Saharan cyclones", Clim. Dyn. (2014) 43:483–501. DOI 10.1007/s00382-013-2025-0 |
Dust, Sahara |
Notaro et al. 2013 | Michael Notaro, Fahad Alkolibi, Eyad Fadda, and Fawzieh Bakhrjy, 2013. "Trajectory analysis of Saudi Arabian dust storms", Journal of Geographysical Research: Atmospheres, Vol. 118, 6028–6043, doi:10.1002/jgrd.50346, 2013 | Dust storms, air parcel trajectories |
Content: Temporal and spatial characteristics of Saudi Arabian dust storms, with focus on
associated air parcel trajectories, are investigated using station and gridded weather
observations and remotely-sensed aerosol optical depth (AOD)
Rezazadeh et al. 2013 | M. Rezazadeh, P. Irannejad, Y. Shao, 2013. "Climatology of the Middle East dust events", Aeolian Research 10 (2013) 103–109. | Dust sources, dust in suspension, blowing dust, dust storm |
Sayyah et al. 2014 | Arash Sayyah, Mark N. Horenstein, Malay K. Mazumder, 2014. "Energy yield loss caused by dust deposition on photovoltaic panels", Solar Energy 107 (2014) 576–604. | Dust accumulation, Loss of transmission, reflectivity, cleaning methods |
Song et al. 2007 | Zhenxin Song, Jinyan Wang, and Shigong Wang, 2007. "Quantitative classification of northeast Asian dust events", JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 112, D04211, doi:10.1029/2006JD007048, 2007 | Dust accumulation, Loss of transmission, reflectivity, cleaning methods |
Content: quantitative classification of dust events on the basis of dust, PM10 (Particle Matter) concentration, and wind speed for northeast Asia
Bibliography Helioclim-1 |
(In alphabetic order and and reverse chronological order)
Keywords |
Abdel Wahab et al. 2009 | Abdel Wahab M., El-Metwally M., Hassan R., Lefèvre M., Oumbe A. and Wald L., 2009. "Assessing surface solar irradiance in Northern Africa desert climate and its long-term variations from Meteosat images", International Journal of Remote Sensing , 31(01) , 261 - 280 . doi: 10.108 0/01431160902882645 | Heliosat-2, HelioClim-1 |
Content: Correction of the irradiation with altitude (SRTM).
Blanc et al. 2011 |
Blanc, Ph., Gschwind, B., Lefèvre, M., Wald, F., Wald, L., 2011. "Validating Meteosat-derived surface solar irradiance in Mozambique". In Proceedings of the 30th Symposium of the European Association of Remote Sensing Laboratories, Ed. Halounova L., held in Prague, Czech Republic, 30 May – 2 June 2011, available at, vol. ‘Thermal Remote Sensing', pp. 561-568. |
HelioClim-1 |
Bois et al. 2008 |
Bois B., Wald L., Pieri P., Van Leeuwen C., Commagnac L., Chery Ph., Christen M., Gaudillère J.-P., Saur E., 2008. "Estimating spatial and temporal variations in solar radiation within bordeaux winegrowing region using remotely sensed data". Journal International des Sciences de la Vigne et du Vin, 42, 15-25. |
HelioClim-1 |
Bois et al. 2008 |
Bois B., Pieri P., Van Leeuwen C., Wald L., Huard F., Gaudillère J.-P., Saur E., 2008. "Using remotely sensed solar radiation data for reference evapotranspiration estimation at daily time step". Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 148, 619-630, 2008, doi: 10.1016/j.agrformet.2007.11.005. |
HelioClim-1 |
Lefèvre et al. 2014 | Lefèvre M., Blanc P., Espinar B., Gschwind B., Ménard L., Ranchin T., Wald L., Saboret L., Thomas C., Wey E., 2014. "The HelioClim-1 database of daily solar radiation at Earth surface: an example of the benefits of GEOSS Data-CORE". IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 7(5), 1745-1753, 2014, doi:10.1109/JSTARS.2013.2283791. | HelioClim-1 |
Lefèvre et al. 2007 | Lefèvre M., Wald L., Diabaté L., 2007. "Using reduced data sets ISCCP-B2 from the Meteosat satellites to assess surface solar irradiance". Solar Energy, 81, 240-253. doi:10.1016/j.solener.2006.03.008 |
Heliosat-2, HelioClim-1, Glitter |
Scharmer et al. 2000 | Scharmer K., J.K. Page. L. Wald, M. Albuisson, G. Czeplak, B. Bourges, H. Lund, A. Joukoff, U.Terzenbach, H.G. Beyer, E.P. Borisenkov, 2000. "European Solar Radiation Atlas", 4th ed., Presses de l'Ecole des Mines de Paris: Paris, France, Volumes 1 and 2. | ESRA (clear-sky model and Linke) |
Solar Radiation Atlas of Africa 1991 |
Solar Radiation Atlas of Africa, 1991. Edited by E. Raschke, R. Stuhlmann, W. Palz, T. C. Steemers. Published for the Commission of the European Communities by A. A. Balkema, Rotterdam, 155 p. |
Wald 2013 |
Wald L., 2013, "HelioClim-1: 21-years of daily values in solar radiation in one-click". In Proceedings of the 27th Conference on Environmental Informatics - Informatics for Environmental Protection, Sustainable Development and Risk Management, p. 143, Eds Bernd Page, Andreas G. Fleischer, Johannes Göbel, Volker Wohlgemuth, Hamburg, 2-4 September 2013, Germany. |
HelioClim-1 |
Wald et al. 2011 | Wald L., Blanc Ph., Lefèvre M., Gschwind B., 2011. "The performances of the HelioClim databases in Mozambique". In Proceedings ISES Solar World Congress 2011, 28 August – 2 September 2011, Kassel, Germany. Vol "Resource Assessment", pp. 268-275. | HelioClim-1 |
Bibliography Heliosat-4 & CAMS radiation products |
(In alphabetic order and and reverse chronological order)
Blanc and Wald 2015 | Blanc P., L. Wald, 2015. "L'estimation du rayonnement solaire au sol par la nouvelle méthode Heliosat-4". La Météorologie, 90, 53-61, 2015. | Heliosat-4 |
Blanc et al. 2014 | Blanc P., Gschwind B., Lefevre M., Wald L., 2014. "Twelve monthly maps of ground albedo parameters derived from MODIS data sets". In Proceedings of IGARSS 2014, held 13-18 July 2014, Quebec, Canada, USBKey, pp. 3270-3272. | MODIS, ground reflectance, albedo |
Content: Presentation of the monthly maps of MODIS parameters (fiso, fvol and fgeo) used to generate albedo for each instant in the year, derived from holy maps of collected MODIS maps (holes due to clouds).
Gschwind et al. 2019 | Gschwind, B., Wald, L., Blanc, P., Lefèvre, M., Schroedter-Homscheidt, M., Arola, A.: Improving the McClear model estimating the downwelling solar radiation at ground level in cloud-free conditions – McClear-v3. Meteorol Z, 28, 147-163, doi: 10.1127/metz/2019/0946, 2019. | McClear, version 3.1 |
Content: Current version of McClear on Oct. 2019 is 3.1.
Lefèvre and Wald 2016 |
Lefèvre M. and Wald L., 2016. "Validation of the McClear clear-sky model in desert conditions with three stations in Israel". Advances in Science and Research, 13, 21-26, 2016, doi:10.5194/asr-13-21-2016. |
McClear version 2 |
Content: Article for McClear version 2
Lefèvre et al. 2013 | Lefèvre M., A. Oumbe, P. Blanc, B. Espinar, B. Gschwind, Z. Qu, L. Wald, M. Schroedter-Homscheidt, C. Hoyer-Klick, A. Arola, A. Benedetti, J. W. Kaiser, and J.-J. Morcrette, 2013. "McClear: a new model estimating downwelling solar radiation at ground level in clear-sky conditions", Atmos. Meas. Tech., 6, 2403-2418, doi:10.5194/amt-6-2403-2013. | McClear |
Oumbe et al. 2014 | Oumbe A., Z. Qu, P. Blanc, M. Lefèvre, L. Wald, S. Cros, 2014. "Decoupling the effects of clear atmosphere and clouds to simplify calculations of the broadband solar irradiance at ground level". Geoscientific Model Development, 7, 1661-1669, 2014, doi:10.5194/gmd-7-1661-2014. Corrigendum, 7, 2409-2409, 2014. | Decoupling cloudless atmosphere and cloud effects |
Qu et al. 2016 | Qu, Z., Oumbe, A., Blanc, P., Espinar, B., Gesell, G., Gschwind, B., Klüser, L., Lefèvre, M., Saboret, L., Schroedter-Homscheidt, M., and Wald L., 2016. "Fast radiative transfer parameterisation for assessing the surface solar irradiance: The Heliosat-4 method". Meteorologische Zeitschrift, 26, pp. 33-57, doi:10.1127/metz/2016/0781. | Heliosat-4 |
Schroedter-Homscheidt et al. 2016 | Schroedter-Homscheidt M., A. Arola, N. Killius, M. Lefèvre, L. Saboret, W. Wandji, L. Wald, E. Wey, 2016. "The Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) Radiation Service in a nutshell", SolarPACES 2016, 11-14 October 2016, Abu Dhabi, UAE. | CAMS-RAD service |
Tournadre et al. 2018 | Tournadre B., B. Gschwind, C. Thomas, L. Saboret, P. Blanc, 2018. "Characterizing the confidence in a gap-free static atlas of monthly-averaged BRDF parameters derived from MODIS MCD43C1 v5", Poster at EGU General Assembly. | MODIS, ground reflectance, albedo |
Zhipeng et al. 2012 | Zhipeng Qu, Benoît Gschwind, Mireille Lefevre, Lucien Wald. "Improving satellite-derived estimates of surface solar irradiance using a clear-sky model exploiting recent data sets on aerosol properties". EMS Annual Meeting 2012, Sep 2012, Lodz, Poland. | McClear |
Content: HelioClim-3 version 3 compared to HC3v3-McClear
Bibliography for Heliosat-5
(In alphabetic order and and reverse chronological order)
Tournadre. 2020 | Benoît Tournadre. "Heliosat-V ˸ une méthode polyvalente d'estimation du rayonnement solaire au sol par satellite". Génie des procédés. Université Paris sciences et lettres, 2020. Français. ⟨NNT : 2020UPSLM063⟩. ⟨tel-03227271⟩ | Method Heliosat |
Amillo et al. 2014 | Amillo A. G., T. Huld, and R. Mueller, 2014. "A New Database of Global and Direct Solar Radiation Using the Eastern Meteosat Satellite, Models and Validation", Remote Sensing 2014, 6(9), 8165-8189; doi:10.3390/rs6098165 | Satellite |
Content: Compares GHI of Meteosat Prime and Meteosat IODC.
Blanc et al. 2018 | Blanc P., B. Gschwind, L. Ménard, L. Wald, 2018. "Monthly averaged maps of surface BRDF parameters in ten spectral bands for land and water masses", Earth Syst. Sci. Data Discuss.,, rejected | MODIS, spectral, ground reflectance, albedo |
Content: Even if this paper has finally been rejected, I (Claire THOMAS, Transvalor) recommend you to have a look to this work. It consists of an extension of the previous paper (Blanc et al. 2014) in ten spectral bands.
Blanc et al. 2014 | Blanc P., Gschwind B., Lefevre M., Wald L., 2014. "Twelve monthly maps of ground albedo parameters derived from MODIS data sets". In Proceedings of IGARSS 2014, held 13-18 July 2014, Quebec, Canada, USBKey, pp. 3270-3272. | MODIS, ground reflectance, albedo |
Content: Presentation of the monthly maps of MODIS parameters (fiso, fvol and fgeo) used to generate albedo for each instant in the year, derived from holy maps of collected MODIS maps (holes due to clouds).
Lefèvre et al. 2013 | Lefèvre M., A. Oumbe, P. Blanc, B. Espinar, B. Gschwind, Z. Qu, L. Wald, M. Schroedter-Homscheidt, C. Hoyer-Klick, A. Arola, A. Benedetti, J. W. Kaiser, and J.-J. Morcrette, 2013. "McClear: a new model estimating downwelling solar radiation at ground level in clear-sky conditions", Atmos. Meas. Tech., 6, 2403-2418, doi:10.5194/amt-6-2403-2013. | McClear |
Oumbe et al. 2014 | Oumbe A., Z. Qu, P. Blanc, M. Lefèvre, L. Wald, S. Cros, 2014. "Decoupling the effects of clear atmosphere and clouds to simplify calculations of the broadband solar irradiance at ground level". Geoscientific Model Development, 7, 1661-1669, 2014, doi:10.5194/gmd-7-1661-2014. Corrigendum, 7, 2409-2409, 2014. | Decoupling cloudless atmosphere and cloud effects |
Qu et al. 2016 | Qu, Z., Oumbe, A., Blanc, P., Espinar, B., Gesell, G., Gschwind, B., Klüser, L., Lefèvre, M., Saboret, L., Schroedter-Homscheidt, M., and Wald L., 2016. "Fast radiative transfer parameterisation for assessing the surface solar irradiance: The Heliosat-4 method". Meteorologische Zeitschrift, 26, pp. 33-57, doi:10.1127/metz/2016/0781. | Heliosat-4 |
Rigollier et al. 2004 | Rigollier C., M. Lefèvre, L. Wald, 2004. "The method Heliosat-2 for deriving shortwave solar radiation from satellite images", Solar Energy 77(2), pp. 159-169, 2004, doi 10.1016/j.solener.2004.04.017 |
Heliosat-2 |
Xi et al. 2016 | Xie Y., M. Sengupta, and J. Dudhia, 2016. "A Fast All-sky Radiation Model for Solar applications (FARMS): Algorithm and performance evaluation", Solar Energy, Volume 135, October 2016, Pages 435-445. | Heliosat-4 |
Content: Description of the method FARMS, which is very similar to Heliosat-4.
Digging the METEOSAT Treasure—3 Decades of Solar Surface Radiation => paper of Richard Mueller and Uwe Pfeifroth concerning the construction of SARAH (CM-SAF)
Bibliography HelioClim-3, Heliosat-2, ESRA, Tubidity Linke factor
(In alphabetic order and and reverse chronological order)
Albarelo et al. 2015 | Albarelo T., I. Marie Joseph, A. Primerose, F. Seyler, L. Linguet, L. Wald, 2015. "Optimizing the Heliosat-II method for surface solar irradiation estimation with GOES images. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing", 41, 86-100, 2015, doi: 10.1080/07038992.2015.1040876. | Heliosat-2 |
Bauer 1996 | Bauer O., 1996. Les échanges océan-atmosphère dans l'Atlantique subtropical nord-est : apports de Meteosat. Thèse de Doctorat, Université de Nice - Sophia Antipolis, 162 p. | Heliosat |
Beyer et al. 1997 | Beyer H.-G., Czeplak G., Terzenbach U., Wald L., 1997. "Assessment of the method used to construct clearness index maps for the new European solar radiation atlas (ESRA)". Solar Energy, 61, 6, 389-397. doi:10.1016/S0038-092X(97)00084-4 | ESRA (clear-sky model and Linke) |
Beyer et al. 1996 | Beyer H.-G., Costanzo C., Heinemann D., 1996. "Modifications of the Heliosat procedure for irradiance estimates from satellite images". Solar Energy, 56, 3, p. 207-212. | Heliosat-2 |
Blanc et al. 2011 | Blanc Ph., Gschwind B., Lefèvre M., Wald L., 2011. "The HelioClim project: Surface solar irradiance data for climate applications" Remote Sensing, 2011, 3, 343-361. doi:10.3390/rs3020343 | HelioClim in general |
Cano et al. 1986 | Cano D., Monget J.-M., Albuisson M., Guillard H., Regas N., Wald L., 1986. "A method for the determination of the global solar radiation from meteorological satellites data" Solar Energy, 37, 1, 31-39. | Heliosat |
Content: In this publication, Cano et al. recommended to apply the Heliosat-2 method only for the slots when the sun is above 18° of elevation. We decided to slightly descrease this threshold to 12° in our implementation of Heliosat-2 (HelioClim-3).
Cano 1982 | Cano D., 1982. "Etude de l'ennuagement par analyse de séquences d'images de satellite. Application à l'évaluation du rayonnement solaire global au sol" Thèse de Doctorat, Ecole nationale supérieure des télécommunications, Paris, France. | Heliosat |
Cros et al. 2006 | Cros S., Albuisson M., Wald L., 2006. "Simulating Meteosat-7 broadband radiances at high temporal resolution using two visible channels of Meteosat-8". Solar Energy, 80, 3, 361-367, doi: 10.1016/j.solener.2005.01.012. | Heliosat-2 |
Cros et al. 2004 | Cros S., Lefèvre M., Albuisson M., Wald L., 2004. "From meteorological satellite data to solar radiation climatological products: the HelioClim database". European Geophysical Union, 1st general assembly, Geophysical Research Abstracts, vol. 6, April 2004, EGU04-A-03853. | HelioClim |
Cros 2004 | Cros S., 2004. "Création d'une climatologie du rayonnement solaire incident en ondes courtes à l'aide d'images satellitales (Design of an incident shortwave solar radiation climatology using satellite images)". Thèse de Doctorat en Energetique, Ecole des Mines de Paris, 13 septembre 2004, 157 pages. | HelioClim |
Cros et al. 2004 | Cros S., Albuisson M., Lefèvre M., Rigollier C., Wald L., 2004. "HelioClim: a long-term database on solar radiation for Europe and Africa". In Proceedings of Eurosun 2004, published by PSE GmbH, Freiburg, Germany, pp. (3)916-920, ISBN 3-9809656-4-3. | HelioClim |
Cros et al. 2004 | Cros S., Chriqi R., Albuisson M., Wald L., Dahman Saidi A., Bennouna M., 2004. "Integration of Meteosat-derived data and digital terrain model into a GIS for local atlases of solar radiation". European Geophysical Union, 1st general assembly, Geophysical Research Abstracts, vol. 6, April 2004, EGU04-A-06543. | HelioClim |
Demarcq 1985 | Demarcq H., 1985. "Applications de la télédétection infrarouge et visible en océanographie. Etude de la zone de dilution rhodanienne, observation des zones de production dans le golfe du Lion, et estimation de l'éclairement solaire global en Méditerranée occidentale". Thèse 3ème Cycle, Univ. Aix-Marseille II. | Heliosat |
Diabaté et al. 2004 | Diabate L., Blanc Ph., Wald L., 2004. "Solar radiation climate in Africa". Solar Energy, 76, 733-744. | ESRA |
Diabaté et al. 2003 | Diabaté L., Remund J., Wald L., 2003. "Linke turbidity factors for several sites in Africa". Solar Energy, 75, 2, 111-119. | Linke turbidity factor |
Diabaté et al. 1995 | Diabaté L., Wald L., 1995. "An attempt to estimate the diffuse component of solar radiation on horizontal plane from satellite images", African Journal of Science and Technology, 11, 1, 39-44. | Heliosat |
Diabaté et al. 1989 | Diabaté L., Moussu G., Wald L., 1989. "Description of an operational tool for determining global solar radiation at ground using geostationary satellite images". Solar Energy, 42, 3, 201-207. | Heliosat |
Diabaté 1989 | Diabaté L., 1989. "Détermination du rayonnement solaire à l'aide d'images satellitaires". Thèse de Doctorat en Sciences, Ecole des Mines de Paris, 272 p. | Heliosat |
Diabaté et al. 1988 | Diabaté L., Demarcq H., Michaud-Regas N., Wald L., 1988. "Estimating incident solar radiation at the surface from images of the Earth transmitted by geostationary satellites : the Heliosat Project". International Journal of Solar Energy, 5, 261-278. | Heliosat |
Espinar et al. 2012 | Espinar B., P. Blanc, L. Wald, B. Gschwind, L. Ménard, E. Wey, C. Thomas, L. Saboret, 2012. "HelioClim-3: a near-real time and long-term surface solar irradiance database". Workshop on Remote Sensing Measurements for Renewable Energy, May 2012, Risoe, Denmark. | HelioClim-3 v3 |
Espinar et al. 2009 | Espinar, B., Ramírez, L., Polo, J., Zarzalejo, L.F., Wald, L., 2009. "Analysis of the influences of uncertainties in input variables on the outcomes of the Heliosat-2 method". Solar Energy, 83, 1731-1741, 2009, doi:10.1016/j.solener.2009.06.010. | Heliosat-2 |
Geiger et al. 2002 | Geiger M., L. Diabaté, L. Ménard, L. Wald, 2002. "A Web service for controlling the quality of global solar irradiation" Solar Energy, Elsevier, vol. 73 (6), pp.475-480 | ESRA (Clear sky model and Linke), Quality check |
Grüter et al. 1986 | Grüter W., Guillard H., Möser W., Monget J.-M., Palz W., Raschke E., Reinhardt R.E., Schwarzmann P., Wald L., 1986. "Determination of solar radiation at ground level from images of the earth transmitted by meteorological satellites, Solar Energy R&D in the European Community, Series F, vol. 4: Solar radiation data from satellite images", D. Reidel Publishing Co. for the Commission of the European Communities, 100 pp. | Heliosat (original) |
Kasten 1996 | Kasten F., 1996. The Linke turbidity factor based on improved values of the integral Rayleigh optical thickness. Solar Energy, 56 (3), 239-244. | Linke Turbidity Factor |
Lefèvre et al. 2004 | Lefèvre M., Cros S., Albuisson M., Wald L., 2004. "Developing a database using Meteosat data for the delivery of solar radiation assessments at ground level". In Proceedings of the 23rd EARSeL Annual Symposium "Remote Sensing in Transition", 2-4 June 2003, Ghent, Belgium, Rudi Goossens editor, Milpress, Rotterdam, Netherlands, pp. 485-489. | HelioClim |
Lefèvre et al. 2002 | Lefèvre M., Rigollier C., Cros S., Wald L., 2002. "Toward a solar climatological database: the HelioClim project". In Proceedings of 22nd EARSeL Annual Symposium "Geoinformation for European-wide integration", 4-6 June 2002, Prague, Czech Republic. Tomas Benes editor, Millpress, Rotterdam, Netherlands, pp. 223-228. | HelioClim |
Lefèvre et al. 2002 | Lefèvre M., Rigollier C., Cros S., Albuisson M., Wald L., 2002. "A shortwave radiation database to support GODAE-related activities". Proceedings of the International Symposium "En route to GODAE", 13-15 June 2002, Biarritz, France. Published by CNES, Toulouse, France, 2002, pp. 157-158. | HelioClim |
Marie-Joseph et al. 2013 | Isabelle Marie-Joseph, Laurent Linguet, Marie-Line Gobinddass, Lucien Wald. "On the applicability of the Heliosat-2 method to assess surface solar irradiance in the Intertropical Convergence Zone, French Guiana". International Journal of Remote Sensing, Taylor & Francis, 2013, 34 (8), pp.3012-3027. <10.1080/01431161.2012.756598> | Heliosat-2 |
Michaud-Regas 1986 | Michaud-Regas N., 1986. "Mise en oeuvre et validation d'une méthode opérationnelle et automatique pour l'évaluation d'atlas solaires en Europe à l'aide de mesures satellitaires Meteosat" Thèse de Doctorat, Univ. Paris VII, Paris, France. | Heliosat |
Moussu 1988 | Moussu G., 1988. "Définition d'une méthodologie de détection de phénomènes dynamiques dans une chronique d'images, et son application à quelques études". Thèse de Doctorat en Sciences, Univ. Nice. | Heliosat |
Obrecht 1990 | Obrecht D., 1990. "Météorologie solaire et images satellitaires : cartographie du rayonnement solaire, détermination de l'albédo des sols et évaluation de l'ennuagement", Thèse de Doctorat en Sciences, Univ. Nice. | Heliosat |
Page et al. 2001 | Page J., Albuisson M., Wald L., 2001. "The European Solar Radiation Atlas: a valuable digital tool". Solar Energy, 71, 81-83, doi:10.1016/S0038-092X(00)00157-2 | ESRA (clear-sky model and Linke) |
Qu et al. 2014 | Improving HelioClim-3 estimates of surface solar irradiance using the McClear clear-sky model and recent advances in atmosphere composition", Atmos. Meas. Tech., 7, 3927-3933, doi:10.5194/amt-7-3927-2014 (Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License) | HelioClim-3 v3 + McClear |
Qu 2013 |
Qu, Z.: Modeling radiative transfer in cloudy atmosphere to assess surface solar irradiance (in French), Ph.D thesis, MINES ParisTech, 202 p., 2013. |
Heliosat, HelioClim |
Remund et al. 2003 | Remund J., Wald L., Lefèvre M., Ranchin T., Page J, 2003. "Worldwide Linke turbidity information", Proceedings of ISES Solar World Congress, 16-19 June 2003, Göteborg, Sweden. CD-ROM published by International Solar Energy Society. | Linke turbidity factor |
Remund et al. 2003 | Remund J., Wald L., Page, J., 2003. "Chain of algorithms to calculate advanced radiation parameters". Proceedings of ISES Solar World Congress, 16-19 June 2003, Göteborg, Sweden. | HelioClim |
Rigollier et al. 2004 | Rigollier C., M. Lefèvre, L. Wald, 2004. "The method Heliosat-2 for deriving shortwave solar radiation from satellite images", Solar Energy 77(2), pp. 159-169, 2004, doi 10.1016/j.solener.2004.04.017 |
Heliosat-2 |
Rigollier et al. 2001 | The new method HELIOSAT-II. Report 1 to the European Commission, April 2001. (plus some figures in Word file). Report 2, June 2001. | Heliosat-2 |
Rigollier et al. 2000 | Rigollier C, Bauer O, Wald L, 2000. "On the clear sky model of the 4th European Solar Radiation Atlas with respect to the Heliosat method", Solar Energy, 68, 1, 33-48. doi: 10.1016/S0038-092X(99)00055-9 | ESRA (clear-sky model and Linke) |
Rigollier 2000 | Rigollier C, 2000. "Vers un accès à une climatologie du rayonnement solaire : estimation de l'irradiation globale à partir d'images satellitales", thèse de Doctorat en Sciences et Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication, Université Nice - Sophia Antipolis, 194 p. Heliosat-2 | Heliosat-2 |
Wald et al. 2011 | Wald L., P. Blanc, B. Espinar, B. Gschwind, M. Lefevre, et al. 2011. "Early achievements towards an automatic assessment of the uncertainty in solar irradiation using web services", Pillmann W., Schade S., Smits P. 25th EnviroInfo Conference Environmental Informatics, Oct. 2011, Ispra, Italy. Shaker Verlag, Aachen, Germany, Vol. 1, pp.309-318 | HelioClim-3 |
Comment: Model for the estimation of lower and upper bounds when selecting standard HC3 outputs and horizontal plane orientation (escribed in section 4).
Wald et al. 1992 | Wald L., Wald J.-L., Moussu G., 1992. "A technical note on a low-cost high-quality system for the acquisition and digital processing of images of WEFAX type provided by meteorological geostationary satellites", International Journal of Remote Sensing, 13, 5, 911-916. | Heliosat |
Bibliography Quality
(In alphabetic and reverse chronological order)
Espinar et al. 2012 | Espinar B., P. Blanc, L. Wald, C. Hoyer-Klick, M. Schroedter Homscheidt, and T. Wanderer 2012. "Controlling the quality of measurements of meteorological variables and solar radiation. From sub-hourly to monthly average time periods" EGU General Assembly 2012, Apr 2012, European Geosciences Union 2012, Vienna (Austria) 22–27 April 2012. Poster . | Quality check |
Content: Poster recapitulative of QC procedures
ISO Guide 1995 | ISO Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement: first edition, International Organization for Standardization, Geneva, Switzerland, 1995 | Validation protocol |
Ohmura et al. 1998 | Ohmura, A., Gilgen, H., Hegner, H., Mueller, G., Wild, M., Dutton, E. G., Forgan, B., Froelich, C., Philipona, R., Heimo, A., Koenig-Langlo, G., McArthur, B., Pinker, R., Whitlock, C. H., and Dehne, K.: Baseline Surface Radiation Network (BSRN/WCRP): New precision radiometry for climate research. B. Am. Meteorol. Soc. 1998, 79, 2115–2136 | BSRN |
Content: Table 3 p 2119 gives the uncertainty on the GHI, DHI and BHI components measured by the BSRN stations: +/-5 W/m² for the GHI and the DHI components, and +/-2 W/m² for the BHI. This is why a threshold of respectively 10 W/m² and 4 W/m² is applied on the measurements in the adopted quality check procedure.
Roesch et al. 2011 | Roesch, A., Wild, M., Ohmura, A., Dutton, E.G., Long, C.N., and Zhang, T., 2011. 'Assessment of BSRN radiation records for the computation of monthly means', Atmos. Meas. Tech., 4, 339–354, doi:10.5194/amt-4-339-2011, 2011. Corrigendum, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 4, 973-973, doi:10.5194/amt-4-973-2011. | BSRN |
WMO 2008 | WMO: Guide to meteorological instruments and methods of observation, World Meteorological Organization, WMO - No 8, 7th Edn., Geneva, Switzerland, 2008. | Quality check recommen-dations |
WMO 1981 | WMO, 1981. Technical Note N° 172, WMO-No. 554, World Meteorological Organization, Geneva, Switzerland, pp. 121-123. | Validation protocol |
Bibliography Spectral
(In alphabetic order and and reverse chronological order)
Aculinin et al. 2016 | Aculinin A., C. Brogniez, M. Bengulescu, D. Gillotay, et al. 2016. "Assessment of Several Empirical Relationships for Deriving Daily Means of UV-A Irradiance from Meteosat-Based Estimates of the Total Irradiance" Remote Sensing, MDPI, 2016, 8 (7), pp.537. | UV-A from broadband |
Boniol et al. 2006 | Boniol, M., Cattaruzza, M. S., Wald, L., Chignol, M. C., Richard, M. A., Leccia, M. T., Truchetet, F., Renoirte, C., Vereecken, P., Autier, P., and Doré, J.-F., 2006. "Individual sun exposure can be assessed using meteorological satellite measurements". Epidemiology, 17(6), S245. | UV and health |
Bosch et al. 2009 | Bosch, J.L., G. López, F.J. Batlles (2009). Global and direct photosynthetically active radiation parameterizations for clear-sky conditions. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 149. 146-158. 10.1016/j.agrformet.2008.07.011. | PAR |
Content: coefficient to derive PAR ground albedo from broadband ground albedo.
Boyle et al. 2006 | Boyle, P., Boniol, M., Doré, J.-F., Chignol, M.-C., and Wald, L., UV-France, 2006. "Measurement of individual and population exposure to ultraviolet radiation based on data from meteorological satellites", Epidemiology. 17(6), S306. | UV and health |
Harmel and Chami 2016 | Harmel, T. and M. Chami (2016). Estimation of daily photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) in presence of low to high aerosol loads: Application to OLCI-like satellite data. Optics Express. 24. A1390-A1407. 10.1364/OE.24.0A1390. | PAR |
Content: data BOUSSOLE
Jacovides et al. 2004 | Jacovides, C. P., Timvios, F. S., Papaioannou, G., Asimakopoulos, D. N., and Theofilou, C. M.: Ratio of PAR to broadband solar radiation measured in Cyprus, Agr. Forest. Meteorol., 121, 135– 140, 2004. | PAR from HC3 |
Content: Coeff to derive PAR from GHI optimized for Cyprus.
Kato et al. 1999 | Kato S., T. Ackerman, J. Mather, E. Clothiaux, 1999. "The k-distribution method and correlated-k approximation for shortwave radiative transfer model" Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 62, 109-121. DOI:10.1016/S0022-4073(98)00075-2. | Kato |
Kravietz et al. 2017 | Kravietz A., S. Ka, L. Wald, A. Dugravot, A. Singh-Manoux, F. Moisan, A. Elbaz, 2017. "Association of UV radiation with Parkinson disease incidence: a nationwide French ecologic study" Environmental Research, 154, 50 - 56, doi: 10.1016/j.envres.2016.12.008 | UV and Parkinson desease |
Lefèvre et al. 2013 | Lefèvre M., A. Oumbe, P. Blanc, B. Espinar, B. Gschwind, Z. Qu, L. Wald, M. Schroedter-Homscheidt, C. Hoyer-Klick, A. Arola, A. Benedetti, J. W. Kaiser, and J.-J. Morcrette, 2013. "McClear: a new model estimating downwelling solar radiation at ground level in clear-sky conditions", Atmos. Meas. Tech., 6, 2403-2418, doi:10.5194/amt-6-2403-2013. | McClear |
Content: in addition to the description of CAMS McClear, this article provides a very restrictive algorithm to select clear sky instants. It consists of two successive filters. The first one is a constraint on the amount of diffuse irradiance with respect to the global irradiance since the direct irradiance is usually prominent in the case of clear sky. The second filter analyses the temporal variability of the global irradiance. If there is no cloud, the sky should be clear and steady for a long period.
Lisicki et al. 2017 | Marco Lisicki, Kevin D'Ostilio, Michel Erpicum, Jean Schoenen, Delphine Magis, 2017. "Sunlight irradiance and habituation of visual evoked potentials in migraine: The environment makes its mark", Cephalagia, Vol 38, Issue 7, 2018, | UV and Health |
Content: UV and Migraines
McCree 1972 | McCree, K. J.. "Test of current definitions of photosynthetically active radiation against leaf photosynthesis data", Agric. Meteorol., 10, 443–453, 1972 | conversion factor from µmol/m2/s into W/m2 |
Mesrine et al. 2017 | Mesrine S., M. Kvaskoff, T. Bah, L. Wald, F. Clavel-Chapelon, et al., 2017. "Ambient Ultraviolet Radiation, and Thyroid Cancer Risk: A French Prospective Study". Epidemiology, 2017, 28, pp.694-702. | UV and Health |
Opálková et al. 2018 | Opálková, M., Navrátil, M., Špunda, V., Blanc, P., and Wald, L.. "A database of 10 min average measurements of solar radiation and meteorological variables in Ostrava, Czech Republic", Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 10, 837-846,, 2018. | GRD measurements, UV, PAR, broadband, Czech Republic |
Content: Article which proposes an alternative of quality check for spectral radiation values. proposes for free in-situ measurements for 3 sites (2 very close) close to Ostrava, in Czech Republic:
- BGOU S1: lat=49.82754°, 18.32618°, 10 min data in UTC, end of interval, averages. Data from 2014-07-01-00-00 to 2016-12-31-22-50.
- BGOU S2: idem except data start on 2014-07-02-08-00
- NB: PHI (proche BGOU) provides meteo variables and air-pollutant information at a 1h time step.
- CHMI S3: lat=49.82521°, 18.15932°, 10 min data in UTC, end of interval, averages. Data from 2014-07-07-13-00 to 2016-12-31-22-50.
Spectral bands: UVB: 280-315 nm, UVA 315-400 nm, PAR 400-700 nm, 510-700 nm, 600-700 nm, 610-680 nm, 690-780 nm, broadband 400-1100 nm.
Interesting citations in this article:
- "Moreover, diffuse radiation is know for having a different blue/red ratio compared to direct radiation (Navratil et al. 2007)."
- "We have adapted the approach of Korany et al. (2016) which applies to measurements of global and diffuse total irradiances."
- "Some values are greater than the corresponding irradiance at TOA. These values were usually connectly with partly cloudy weather, when multiple scattering on the cloud edges could increase incident solar irradiation (Mims and Frederick, 1994)."
Orton et al. 2011 | Orton S.-M., L. Wald, C. B. Confavreux, S. Vukusic, J. P. Krohn, et al. 2011. "Association of UV radiation with multiple sclerosis prevalence and sex ratio in France", Neurology, 2011, 76 (5), pp.425-431. | UV and health |
Porcheret et al. 2018 | Porcheret K., L. Wald, L. Fritschi, M. Gerkema, M. Gordijn, et al. 2016. "Chronotype and environmental light exposure in a student population", Chronobiology International, doi: 10.1080/07420528.2018.1482556, 2018 | UV and Health |
Savoye et al. 2018 | Savoye I., C. Olsen, D. Whiteman, A. Bijon, L. Wald, et al., 2018. "Patterns of ultraviolet radiation exposure and skin cancer risk: the E3N-SunExp study". Journal of Epidemiology, 2018, 28(1), pp.27-33. | UV and Health |
Savoye et al. 2016 | Savoye I., C. Olsen, L. Wald, F. Clavel-Chapelon, M.-C. Boutron-Ruault, et al., 2016. "Profils d'exposition solaire et risque de cancer cutané : étude cas-témoin nichée dans E3 N". Epidemiology and Public Health / Revue d'Epidémiologie et de Santé Publique, 2016, 64, pp.S224 | UV and health |
Szeicz 1974 | Szeicz G., 1974. "Solar radiation for plant growth", J. Appl Ecol., Vol. 11, No. 2 (Aug., 1974), pp. 617-636. DOI: 10.2307/2402214 | PAR from GHI, UK |
Thomas et al. 2019 | Thomas C., A. L. Cirigliano, W. Nyamsi, A. Arola, U. Pfeifroth, J. Trentmann, T. Ranchin, and L. Wald. "Assessment of six different methods for the estimation of surface Ultra-Violet fluxes at one location in Uruguay" SWC 2019: ISES Solar World Congress, Nov 2019, Santiago, Chile. ⟨10.18086/swc.2019.42.12⟩. ⟨hal-02863570⟩ | UV |
Thomas et al. 2019 | Thomas C., S. Dorling, W. Nyamsi, L. Wald, S. Rubino, L. Saboret, M. Trolliet, and E. Wey. "Assessment of five different methods for the estimation of surface photosynthetically active radiation from satellite imagery at three sites – application to the monitoring of indoor soft fruit crops in southern UK" Advances in Science and Research, Copernicus Publications, 2019, 16, pp.229-240. ⟨10.5194/asr-16-229-2019⟩. ⟨hal-02315955⟩ | PAR |
Content: During the oral presentation given in Chile, the assessment has been extended to 6 sites (Lille, Provence, La Réunion, Kishinev, Reading and Uruguay)
Udo et Aro 1999 | Udo, S. O. and Aro, T. O., 1999. "Global PAR related to global solar radiation for central Nigeria", Agr. Forest. Meteorol, 97, 21–31, 1999. | PAR from broadband |
Content: Coeff to derive PAR from GHI optimized for Nigeria.
Wald 2018 | Lucien Wald, 2018. "A simple algorithm for the computation of the spectral distribution of the solar irradiance at surface" [Research Report] MINES ParisTech. 2018. | Spectral from broadband |
Wald 2012 | Wald L., 2012. "Elements on the Computation of UV Maps in the Eurosun Database" Internal Report. 2012. | UV from broadband |
Wandji Nyamsi et al. 2021 | Wandji Nyamsi W., P. Blanc, J.A. Augustine, A. Arola, and L. Wald, 2019. " Using Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) Products to Assess Illuminances at Ground Level under Cloudless Conditions ", Atmosphere 2021, 12(5), 643; | Daylight |
Wandji Nyamsi et al. 2019 | Wandji Nyamsi W., P. Blanc, D. Dumortier, R. Mouangue, A. Arola, and L. Wald, 2021. "A new clear-sky method for assessing photosynthetically active radiation at the surface level", Atmosphere 2019, 10, 219; doi:10.3390/atmos10040219. | PAR from Kato |
Wandji Nyamsi et al. 2017 | Wandji Nyamsi W., M. R. A. Pitkänen, Y. Aoun, P. Blanc, A. Heikkilä, K. Lakkala, G. Bernhard, T. Koskela, A. V. Lindfors, A. Arola, et al., 2017. "A new method for estimating UV fluxes at ground level in cloud-free conditions" Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, European Geosciences Union, 2017, 10 (12), pp.4965-4978. DOI:10.5194/amt-10-4965- 2017. | UV from Kato |
Wandji Nyamsi 2015 |
Thèse de William Wandji Nyamsi W., 2015. "Vers une méthode automatique d'estimation de la distribution spectrale du rayonnement solaire. Cas du ciel clair. : Applications à la lumière du jour, photosynthèse et ultraviolet". Soutenue le 6 novembre 2015. MINES ParisTech, spécialité « énergétique et procédés », 124 p. |
PAR et UV from Kato |
Wandji Nyamsi et al. 2015 |
Wandji Nyamsi W., B. Espinar, P. Blanc, and L. Wald, 2015. "Estimating the photosynthetically active radiation under clear skies by means of a new approach" Advances in Science and Research, Copernicus Publications, 12, pp.5–10. DOI: 10.5194/asr-12-5-2015 |
PAR from Kato |
Content: the Kato bands do not exactly fit the PAR spectral ranges and a spectral resampling is necessary. The authors have developed a resampling method which determine several 1-nm spectral bands whose atmospheric transmissivities are correlated to those of the Kato bands and then use these transmissivities in a linear interpolation process to compute the PAR irradiance. The technique has been numerically validated. The authors conclude that the technique estimates direct and global with very high accuracy.
Wandji Nyamsi et al. 2014 | Wandji Nyamsi W., B. Espinar, P. Blanc, and L. Wald, 2014. "How close to detailed spectral calculations is the k-distribution method and correlated-k approximation of Kato et al. (1999) in each spectral interval?" Meteorologische Zeitschrift, Borntraeger Science Publishers, 2014, 23, pp.547-556. DOI: 10.1127/metz/2014/0607. | Kato |
Content: authors compared atmospheric transmissivities obtained by the Kato et al. approach against those obtained by spectrally resolved computations using two Radiative Transfer Models (RTMs) in each of the 32 Kato Bands. These calculations were performed for a set of 200 000 realistic atmospheres and clouds. These authors found that the Kato et al. approach offers very accurate estimates of irradiances in all 12 Kato bands covering PAR-range.
Yu et al. 2015 | Xiaolei Y., Z. Wu, W. Jiang, and X. Guo, 2015. "Predicting daily photosynthetically active radiation from global solar radiation in the Contiguous United States", Energy Conversion and Management, Vol. 89, pp. 71-82. DOI: 10.1016/j.enconman.2014.09.038 | PAR from GHI |
Bibliography temporal variability
(In alphabetic order and and reverse chronological order)
Lave et al. 2017 | Matthew Lave, Robert J. Broderick, Matthew J. Reno, 2017. "Solar variability zones: Satellite-derived zones that represent high-frequency ground variability" Solar Energy, Volume 151, 15 July 2017, Pages 119-128, ISSN 0038-092X. | Temporal variability |
Content: On the PVPMC website, scripts are available to model temporal variability and provides a map over USA to support the use of this application. In order to calibrate models, wind speed and direction is needed. The matter of variability in the PV sector is more and more stringent in particular on islands with coupled PV system+ storage solutions.
Lave et al. 2013 |
Matthew Lave, J. Kleiss, J.S. Stein, 2013. "A Wavelet-Based Variability Model (WVM) for Solar PV Power Plants", IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy ( Volume: 4, Issue: 2, April 2013 ), pp. 501 - 509. DOI: 10.1109/TSTE.2012.2205716 |
Temporal variability |
Bibliography Validation Results
(In alphabetic order and and reverse chronological order)
Eissa et al. 2015 | Eissa Y., M. Korany, Y. Aoun, M. Boraiy, M. Abdel Wahab, S. Alfaro, P. Blanc, M. El-Metwally, H. Ghedira and L. Wald, 2015. "Validation of the surface downwelling solar irradiance estimates of the HelioClim-3 database in Egypt". Remote Sensing, 7, 9269-9291, 2015, doi:10.3390/rs70709269. | HelioClim-3 |
Eissa et al. 2015 | Eissa Y., Munawwar S., Oumbe A., Blanc P., Ghedira H., Wald L., Bru H., Goffe D., 2015. "Validating surface downwelling solar irradiances estimated by the McClear model under cloud-free skies in the United Arab Emirates", Solar Energy, 114, 17-31, doi:10.1016/j.solener.2015.01.017. | McClear |
Ineichen 2016 | Ineichen P., 2016. "Long Term HelioClim-3 global, beam and diffuse irradiance validation" University of Geneva, February 2016. | HC3v4 and v5 validation results |
Content: objective validation results ordered by Transvalor directly to Pierre Ineichen. Major result underlined by Pierre is the improvement of version 5 of HelioClim-3 (CAMS McClear clear sky model) compared to obsolete version 4. Please note that these results don't take into account version 3 of CAMS McClear available since Oct. 2017.
Korany et al. 2016 |
validation, Egypt |
Content: Article on which Opalkova 2018 relies to derive a quality check for spectral data.
Marchand et al. 2020 |
Performance of CAMS Radiation Service and HelioClim-3 databases of solar radiation at surface: evaluating the spatial variation in Germany", Adv. Sci. Res., 17, 143-152, , 2020. " |
HC3v5 and CAMS rad, validation results in Germany |
Marchand et al. 2019 |
Verifying the spatial consistency of the CAMS Radiation Service and HelioClim-3 satellite-derived databases of solar radiation using a dense network of measuring stations: the case of the Netherlands", Adv. Sci. Res., 16, 103-111, , 2019. " |
HC3v5 and CAMS rad, validation results in Netherlands |
Marchand et al. 2018 |
Comparison of several satellite-derived databases of surface solar radiation against ground measurement in Morocco", Adv. Sci. Res., 15, 21-29, , 2018. " |
HC3v4, v5 and CAMS rad, validation results |
Marchand et al. 2017 |
Marchand, M., Al-Azri, N., Ombe-Ndeffotsing, A., Wey, E., and Wald, L., 2017. "Evaluating meso-scale change in performance of several databases of hourly surface irradiation in South-eastern Arabic Pensinsula", Adv. Sci. Res., 14, 7-15, doi:10.5194/asr-14-7-2017. |
HC3v4, v5 and CAMS rad, validation results |
Content: the solar hourly global irradiation received at ground level estimated by the databases HelioClim- 3v4, HelioClim-3v5 and CAMS Radiation Service are compared to coincident measurements made in five stations in Oman (Sunainah, Adam Airport, Sur, Muscat Airport) and Abu Dhabi (Shams). 5 stations - poster . Please note that these results are obsolete since they doesn't take into account the bias correction and McClear v3 of Oct. 2017.
Muneer et al. 2002 | Muneer T, and X. Zhang, 2002. "A new method for correcting shadow band diffuse irradiance data" | Rotating Shadow-band correction |
Content: If you need to handle the measurements of the Diffuse Horizontal component acquired by a pyranometer and a shadow-band, the values will likely be underestimated. This is due to the fact that the band is occulting a part of the sky and thus a part of diffuse that should be collected by the sensor. Here at MINES ParisTech/Transvalor, we decided to apply the Muneer-Zhang correction which sligthly increase the values for the diffuse component.
Schüler et al. 2016 |
Schüler, D., S. Wilbert, N. Geuder, R. Affolter, F. Wolfertstetter, C. Prahl, M. Röger, M. Schroedter-Homscheidt, G. Abdellatif, A. Allah Guizani, M. Balghouthi, A. Khalil, A. Mezrhab, A. Al-Salaymeh, N. Yassaa, F. Chellali, D. Draou, P. Blanc, J. Dubranna, and O. M. K. Sabry. 2016. "The enerMENA meteorological network – Solar radiation measurements in the MENA region." AIP Conference Proceedings no. 1734 (1):150008. |
EnerMENA station network |
Thomas et al. 2016 |
Thomas C., E. Wey, P. Blanc, L. Wald, M. Lefèvre, 2016. "Validation of HelioClim-3 version 4, HelioClim-3 version 5 and MACC-RAD using 14 BSRN stations". SHC 2015, Istanbul, Turkey, 2-4 December 2015. Energy Procedia, 91, 1059-1069, 2016. |
Idem |
Thomas et al. 2016 | Thomas C., Wey E., Blanc P., Wald L, 2016. "Validation of three satellite-derived databases of surface solar radiation using measurements performed at 42 stations in Brazil". Advances in Science and Research, 13, 81-86, 2016, doi:10.5194/asr-13-81-2016. | Idem |
Thomas et al. 2016 | Thomas C., Saboret L., Wey E., Blanc P., Wald L, 2016. "Validation of the new HelioClim-3 version 4 real-time and short-term forecast service using 14 BSRN stations". Advances in Science and Research, 13, 129-136, 2016, doi:10.5194/asr-13-129-2016 | HC3v4 real-time and short term forecast service |
Trolliet et al. 2018 | Trolliet, M., Walawender, J. P., Bourlès, B., Boilley, A., Trentmann, J., Blanc, P., Lefèvre, M., and Wald, L. 2017. "Downwelling surface solar irradiance in the tropical Atlantic Ocean: a comparison of re-analyses and satellite-derived data sets to PIRATA measurements", Ocean Science, European Geosciences Union, 2018, 14 (5), pp.1021 - 1056, | Comparison HelioClim 3v5, SARAH 2 and CAMS Radiation Service v2 versus PIRATA (Atlantic) stations |