Monthly means of solar irradiance, temperature and relative humidity

Monthly Means of Solar Irradiance, Temperature and Relative Humidity

This service delivers monthly and yearly means of solar irradiance (downwelling shortwave irradiance), daily minima, maxima and mean values of air temperature at 2 m, and daily minima, maxima and mean of relative humidity at 2 m, averaged over the period 1990-2004 (15 years). The data are available worldwide.

Provider: MINES ParisTech

This database has been created by data fusion techniques applied to satellite data, meteorological re-analyses from NCEP / NCAR (USA) and orography.

Other formulation: this database contains monthly means of solar irradiance (downwelling shortwave irradiance), minima, maxima and mean values of air temperature at 2 m, minima, maxima and mean values of relative humidity at 2 m. The database covers the whole world. It has been created by data fusion techniques applied to satellite data, meteorological re-analyses from NCEP /NCAR (USA) and orography for the period 1990-2004. * Irradiance data: global horizontal (GHI), and direct at normal incidence (DNI) * Temporal coverage: 1991 - 2005 (Europe and Africa), 1999-2006 (Asia) * Temporal resolution: 1 hour * Spatial resolution: 2.5 km at sub-satellite * Spatial coverage: Europe, Africa, Western Asia, parts of Australia and South America.

