Monthly means of solar irradiance, temperature and relative humidity
Monthly Means of Solar Irradiance, Temperature and Relative Humidity |
This service delivers monthly and yearly means of solar irradiance (downwelling shortwave irradiance), daily minima, maxima and mean values of air temperature at 2 m, and daily minima, maxima and mean of relative humidity at 2 m, averaged over the period 1990-2004 (15 years). The data are available worldwide.
Provider: MINES ParisTech
This database has been created by data fusion techniques applied to satellite data, meteorological re-analyses from NCEP / NCAR (USA) and orography.
Other formulation: this database contains monthly means of solar irradiance (downwelling shortwave irradiance), minima, maxima and mean values of air temperature at 2 m, minima, maxima and mean values of relative humidity at 2 m. The database covers the whole world. It has been created by data fusion techniques applied to satellite data, meteorological re-analyses from NCEP /NCAR (USA) and orography for the period 1990-2004. * Irradiance data: global horizontal (GHI), and direct at normal incidence (DNI) * Temporal coverage: 1991 - 2005 (Europe and Africa), 1999-2006 (Asia) * Temporal resolution: 1 hour * Spatial resolution: 2.5 km at sub-satellite * Spatial coverage: Europe, Africa, Western Asia, parts of Australia and South America.