Solar Geometry 2
Automatic access To Solar Geometry 2 | Access to the Web interface => | ![]() |
Warning! It is strongly recommanded to avoid the launch of parallel requests, using the "&" at the end of each wget request line. This would endanger our system.
Automatic access with WGET
- Download wget.exe in a directory (for Windows only, WGET is available by default on Unix)
- In the same directory, create a text file and copy-paste in a single line (wipe off the "..." at the end of the lines) the following instruction to test this permanent access to Carpentras, France:
- Rename the text file with the .bat extension and double click on it to retrieve the
output file (Windows environment). Or, rename the text file with a .sh extension and run it using > in a Unix environment.
WGET, in details
Request:wget -O output.csv -nv
' ...
; ...
: in degrees, with at least 3 digits after commaaltitude
: in meters. Set "elevation=-999" to let SoDa get the elevation from Nasa SRTM databaseyyyy-mm-dd
: set the first day of the request, e.g. "2005-01-01"nb_values
: "TU" (universal time) or "TST" (True Solar Time)time_step
: in minutes, this value ranges from "1" up to "1440" for daily values
- # JDUT: universal julian date (day)
- # YYYY: year
- # MM: month of the year
- # DD: day of the month
- # H: hour of the day (decimal hour)
- # DOY: day of the year
- # DELTA: topocentric declination (radian)
- # OMEGA: topocentric hour angle (radian)
- # GAMMA_S0: topocentric Sun elevation angle without refraction correction (radian)
- # ALPHA_S: topocentric Sun azimuth angle Eastward from North (radian)
- # R: Sun-Earth Radius (ua)
Tip: The omega angle is not forced between -pi and pi. To do it, you may use
omega= omega - (ROUND(omega/(2*PI))*2*PI)
where ROUND is the usual rounding operator that gives you the nearest integer of a given value.